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时间:2024-07-16 22:14来源:95882
the two models are obtained. Finally plot the Poincar map and the chaotic bifurcation diagram. The results show that the stiffness of the rubber bearing has a non-linear characteristic, which also lea

the two models are obtained. Finally plot the Poincaré map and the chaotic bifurcation

diagram. The results show that the stiffness of the rubber bearing has a non-linear characteristic, which also leads to the non-linear characteristics of the adjacent frequency and  the  phase  frequency  characteristics.  The  Yeoh  model  is  more  reflective  than the

Mooney-Rivlin model The dynamic characteristics. Under the action of simple harmonic excitation, the stress and strain and the displacement of the train show a harmonious state, vertical excitation and lateral excitation interaction, which enlarges the influence of external excitation on the side bearing. Side by side with the passage of time from the beginning of the cycle of movement into the chaotic state, then, the side of the speed, displacement will be unpredictable.These conclusions provide data support for the optimization of the structural improvement of the train and have some significance for the design of the rubber original.

Key words: train side bearing; constitutive model; finite element; vibration characteristic

第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2JC型弹性旁承介绍及研发历程 1

1.3国内外研究现状及存在问题 2

1.4本文主要研究内容及研究步骤 4

第二章有限元理论及振动力学相关理论 5

2.1有限元的发展史、现状与展望 5

2.2有限元理论 6

2.3有限元相关软件的现状与发展 8

2.4振动力学在工程中的应用 9

2.5无阻尼自由振动 10

2.6阻尼自由振动 11




第三章列车橡胶旁承静态力学分析 16

3.1 ANSYS建立模型 16

3.1.1根据JC型弹性旁承图纸建立三维几何模型 16

3.1.2导入材料数据 17

3.1.3划分网格 17

3.1.4边界条件设置 18

3.2各种载荷下旁承的应力、应变及位移云图 18

3.2.1均布载荷 18

3.2.2单侧集中载荷 19

3.2.3双侧集中载荷 20

3.4总结 21

第四章列车橡胶旁承的动态力学分析 22

4.1列车旁承在大变形情况下的刚度分析 22

4.1.1Mooney-Rivlin模型 22

4.1.2Yeoh模型 25

4.2橡胶堆旁承的非线性特性 28

4.3列车橡胶旁承的瞬态力学分析 31

4.3.1单侧简谐激励 32

4.3.2简谐激励作用于旁承双侧 34

4.3.3简谐激励同时作用于旁承单侧和双侧 ANSYS列车橡胶旁承的振动特性研究(2):http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204294.html
