
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 物理论文 >


时间:2024-08-22 21:35来源:96750








Abstract:In recent years, due to the demand for new energy sources, people have turned their attention to the development of lithium ion batteries with higher lithium storage capacity and longer cycle life. However, the lithium atoms into silicon will cause silicon to produce nearly 400% of the huge volume expansion, this problem not only reduces the battery life and has brought serious security risks. In the process of huge deformation of silicon, there are many kinds of dislocations. Therefore, we use a multiscale computational method for QM/MM based on first principles (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) to simulate the lithium atom in silicon shuffle 60 degrees dislocation and the dislocation core diffusion characteristics.

The main work of this paper:

1.Simulate the stable configuration of lithium in shuffle type 60 degree dislocation in silicon.

2.Simulate the stable configuration of lithium in the vicinity of the dislocation core . The binding energy of lithium in the core and the binding energy in the crystal silicon are compared, and the attraction of the shuffle type 60 degree dislocation to the lithium atom is proved.

3.Simulate the diffusion path of lithium from dislocation position to dislocation core.

4.The diffusion path of lithium in the dislocation core is simulated, and the acceleration of the shuffle type 60 degree dislocation to the lithium atom is proved by the change of diffusion barrier.

Keywords: Lithium-ion battery; Si; dislocation; multi-scale method; diffusion of Li


第一章绪论 1

1.1课题背景及研究意义 1

1.2锂离子电池的电极材料 1

1.3硅基锂离子电池负极材料 4

1.4位错简介 6

1.4.1位错的基本类型 7

1.4.2晶体硅中的位错类型 8

1.5主要研究内容 8

第二章多尺度计算方法 10

2.1引言 10

2.2不同空间尺度所对应的计算方法 10

2.3常用多尺度方法的分类及简介 11

2.3.1空间尺度耦合方法 12

2.3.2准连续方法 13

2.3.3粗粒化分子动力学方法(CGMD) 13

2.4本文使用的多尺度计算方法 晶体Si中60°位错缺陷对Li输运性质的影响:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204577.html
