Abstract:The criteria of physics course under compulsory education propose one of the fundamental philosophies evidently, which is as follows: transition from life to physics and thereafter to society. It means that students can acquire physical knowledge from their daily life and in turn they are able to apply what they have obtained during the learning process to society. This sort of process that changing from theory to practice repeatedly conforms to the characteristics of the students cognition, stimulates learning interest as well as the pleasure of devoting themselves to explore for the whole life. During the same process, the students will cultivate splendid study methodology and primary scientific ability of practice. This paper focuses on discussing the means by which realizing the transition from life to physics and thereafter to society during the period of teaching physics in secondary school after clarifying the significance of the transition. Besides, this paper explores the teaching tactic on the basic of infiltration among life, physics and society.
Key words: Life, physics, society
目 录
1 引言4
2 从生活走向物理4
2.2 从生活走向物理的实施途径6
3 从物理走向社会7
3.2 从物理走向社会的实施途径8
4 生活—物理—社会相互渗透的教学策略10
4.1 以课堂渗透为主线10
4.2 以课外活动为抓手11
1 引言
“生活即教育”是伟大的教育家陶行知先生的教育思想核心之一,他认为“象牙塔”式的教学方式已经不再适应社会,教师应该把学校、课堂的一切都延伸到生活中,延伸到大自然中[1]。 美国教育家杜威曾经也把教育的本质概括为“教育即生长,教育即生活,教育即经验的不断改造”[2],认为最好的教育来源于生活。义务教育物理课程标准明确提出了物理课程的基本理念之一:从生活走向物理,从物理走向社会。即物理知识的获取来源于学生的生活,再将学习过程中系统获得物理知识运用到社会。这样从理论到实践,再从实践到理论的过程符合学生认知特点,能够激发学生的学习兴趣和终生探索的乐趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯和初步的科学实践能力[3]。但是在现实教学中,却存在着种种问题,比如学生感觉物理课程难以学习理解,学习兴趣缺乏,物理知识的学习与生活、生产脱离,学不能致用等。目前,“从生活走向物理,从物理走向社会”的新课程理念的实施已有了相当长的一段时间,但效果并不十分理想,因此,如何提高其教学实效性是一项亟待解决的课题,这也是本人将此课题作为毕业论文选题的重要依据之一。本文首先分层论述了从生活走向物理,从物理走向社会的意义和途径,然后结合自己的学习心得和实习体会就生活—物理—社会三者之间的渗透策略作了探讨,期望为相关课题的研究提供一些有参考价值的帮助,同时也为师范生的试教与说课等内容积累一些资料。 从生活走向物理从物理走向社会:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_58811.html