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时间:2018-03-04 21:07来源:毕业论文

关键词  网络谣言    网络传播    治理对策
Title    Theory of Internet rumors harm to society and its    countermeasures                                                
Along with the development of the network science and technology, the spread of rumors are no longer limited to the word-of-mouth between people, those rumors which closely related to people's life in the past is now mixing on the Internet and have brought many  negative effects for people's life and the society. In order to solve this problem, in this paper, based on the relevant research of scholars at home and abroad, summed up the network rumor has the characteristics of the fast and generalized, and through the analysis of the specific case identified the causes of the formation of Internet rumors and produce many harm to society, found that not only harm the public safety network rumors, and affect the government credibility, greatly influenced the government image. The spread of online rumors has become a danger to social stability and social security of the major practical problems. How to regulate the behavior of network transmission, to strengthen the prevention and management of Internet rumors, solve the problem of Internet rumors, from the source has become an urgent need to solve in front of the government, this article will also be targeted article puts forward the countermeasures.
Keywords:  Internet rumors ,  network communication,countermeasure
目   次 
1  绪论 2
2  谣言及网络谣言的界定 2
2.1 谣言的含义 2
2.2 网络谣言的含义与特点 3
3  网络谣言的分类及其对社会的危害  3
3.1 网络谣言的分类 4
3.2 网络谣言对社会的危害 5
4  网络谣言生成的原因 8
4.1 信息闭塞,权威信息往往滞后、模糊或者缺失 9
4.2 网络信息传播“把关人”把关职责的缺失 9
4.3 传播者带有功利性的制造谣言 9
4.4 社会负面情绪高涨10
4.5 网民的辨析能力受到削弱10
5  网络谣言的治理对策10
5.1 政府对信息及时、充分的公开,增强其透明度11
5.2 提高网络信息监管技术,完善网络“把关人”机制11
5.3 加强公众教育,提高网民的媒介素养12
5.4 关注公众的社会心理状态12
结论 14
致谢 15
1  绪论
现如今,网络技术高速发展,在网络信息传播给人们带来方便的同时,网络谣言的产生和发展却对社会造成了极大的危害。关于谣言的界定,可以说是众说纷纭。西方学者中对谣言的解释较有代表性的学者是谣言研究之父美国的奥尔波特,他认为,谣言是“缺乏具体资料以证实其确切性的、与当时事件相关的命题。” 此外,法国学者卡普费雷对谣言的解释也被学界公认,他认为: “谣言是在社会中出现并流传的,未经官方公开证实或者已经被官方所辟谣的信息。 ” 相对于国外来说,我国对于谣言的研究目前还处于初始阶段,仅有部分国内学者对谣言做了一些零星的研究。而网络谣言作为谣言在新时代发展的产物,其危害性目前还未被高度重视,导致国内外学者对网络谣言的研究还不够全面,尤其在对其形成的原因和产生的危害方面的分析还不够深入与透彻。网络谣言的泛滥已经成为危害社会稳定和社会安全的重大现实问题,必须高度重视并及时进行治理,而仅仅依靠以往对谣言的研究是不够的,还应该具体分析网络谣言具有的新特点,逐步归纳出其形成的各方面原因,这样才能有针对性的提出合理的治理对策,以解决网络谣言危害社会的严峻问题,同时也还网络一个健康的舆论环境。 论网络谣言对社会的危害及其治理对策:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_10444.html