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时间:2018-06-16 14:48来源:毕业论文

A Research on the Development of Enterteinment
TV Programs under“ 限娱令”
Abstract:In recent years, provincial satellite TV entertainment has appeared the "Pan entertainment and vulgarization phenomenon". The national and provincial satellite TV has imposed strict requirements on it. This paper focuses on "cutback on TV entertainment" policy, outlines the entertainment program,and point out the problems before the introduction of the "cutback on TV entertainment" . Through the analysis of "limit entertainment change order" after the enactment of "Happy Camp" and "If You are the One" entertainme", this paper summarizes the relationship between the cutback on TV entertainment" and "development of TV entertainment program", finds the existing opportunities and challenges that the spatial development of TV entertainment program face. This paper also proposes four corresponding development countermeasures in theory, the main hope is to provide the reference opinions on the development of TV entertainment programs in China.
Keywords:"cutback on TV entertainment; television entertainment program; development;"
 目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、电视娱乐节目概述    2
二、“限娱令”下我国电视娱乐节目的变化    3
(一)“限娱令”实施后电视娱乐节目现状    3
(二)电视娱乐节目变化——以《非诚勿扰》和《快乐大本营》为例    3
三、“限娱令”与“发展电视娱乐节目”关系的理性探讨    6
(一)“限娱令”颁发与“发展电视娱乐节目”的关系    6
(二)“限娱令”下电视娱乐节目面临的挑战和机遇    6
四、“限娱令”下我国电视娱乐节目发展对策探析    7
(一)差异化创新与改革,走品牌化道路    7
(二)适应政策,开发新节目    8
(三)“台网联动”开辟娱乐节目新道路    8
(四)平衡节目娱乐性与责任感,实现可持续发展    8
参考文献    1
在市场经济和“娱乐至上”思想的影响下,中国电视市场出现了娱乐节目的严重过度化、同质化、媚俗化等问题,严重阻挡了电视节目的健康发展。因此2011年10月份在十七届优尔中全会后,国家广电总局就颁发了“限娱令”文件,在2013年10月颁布了“加强版限娱令”。本文在此背景下对电视娱乐节目的发展进行探讨研究。 “限娱令”下我国电视娱乐节目的发展研究 :http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_17858.html