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时间:2022-04-20 22:27来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:电视脱口秀;主持风格; 语言特点

Analysis of Ianguage characteristics of TV talk show host

Abstract: TV talk show has been the emergence of the majority of the audience's favorite, and the host as the core of the program, the site of the program to control and master play a vital role。 Host based on their own language convey to the audience。 Therefore, the removal of talk show host manners directly affect his image in the hearts of the audience。 In this paper, the method of literature research and case analysis etc。 carries on the elaboration, to talk show host language features as the research object。 From the talk show their own "unique" audience "expected" and the competition fierce of three aspects analysis the reasons of its formation。 So the talk show host language has the characteristics of common people, humor, personalization and body language performance。 The program through the host reflects a strong appeal and appeal, a good way to achieve the program hosted in the process of interaction and two-way communication, at the same time reflect the shape of their personality style。

Key words: TV talk show; Hosting style; Language characteristics

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、 电视脱口秀节目概述 2

(一)电视脱口秀节目概念界定 2

(二)电视脱口秀节目发展历程 2

二、电视脱口秀节目主持人语言特点形成原因 3

(一)电视脱口秀节目自身的“独特性” 3

(二)受众对电视脱口秀节目的“期待性” 4

(三)电视脱口秀节目竞争的“激烈性” 4

三、电视脱口秀节目主持人语言特点分析 5

(一)平民化表达,拉近观众距离 5

(二)幽默化表述,活跃节目氛围 6

(三)个性化呈现,体现节目风格 7

(四)体态语表现,丰富节目色彩 7

四、结语 8

参考文献 10


20世纪90年代脱口秀节目开逐渐走进中国人的视野,而脱口秀最初出现在电视荧屏上是1996年中央电视台《实话实说》栏目的推出,因其节目形式简单,主持人语言幽默等特点,吸引了大批观众。在经过多年的不断发展和创新,电视上出现了越来越多不同形式与风格的脱口秀节目,例如以谈话形式为主的《锵锵三人行》、以新闻评论为主的《说新闻》和以欧美风格为主的《80后脱口秀》等等各具特色的脱口秀节目,因此要求主持人在节目中运用不同的语言风格,所以在脱口秀节目越来越丰富的现在,主持人的语言特点也在逐渐形成。论文网 电视脱口秀节目主持人语言特点分析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_92908.html
