A Mirror of the Old Man: An Analysis of the Image of Manolin in The Old Man and the Sea
Abstract The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway’s most famous works。 It is a short novel about an old fisherman。 Hemingway won the 1954 Nobel Prize in literature for this novel。 So far, a substantial number of researches have been done on the theme of The Old Man and the Sea but fewer researches on Manolin。 But the design of this character is not by accident, and Manolin plays an important role in this novel。 My thesis will firstly analyze the characteristics of Manolin and Santiago, and then focus on their apprentice-mentor and soulmate relationship, finally explain why Manolin is a mirror of the old man。 This thesis focuses on the boy for further understanding of the whole novel。89799
Keywords:the boy;the old man;relationship; image analysis
摘 要55岁的海明威以一部中篇小说《老人与海》力压其他诺贝尔文学奖候选人获得1954年度诺贝尔文学奖。这部小说自诞生以来一直启发着人类思考。但综观评论界,我们发现人们聚焦更多的是硬汉神话和冰山理论,而对于作品中另一个重要的人物小男孩曼诺林,人们的关注却很少。曼诺林对整部小说有着十分重要的影响。小说始于小男孩对老人离而不弃,终于与老人聚到一起,虽然在小说的中间部分小男孩并没有出现,但通读小说,读者始终都能感受到小男孩的真实存在。小男孩与老人的关系远远超越了师徒、朋友,小男孩是老人青春的映射,是老人硬汉形象的继承与延续,更折射出老人硬汉背后的温柔,另外,小男孩也是沟通老人与读者的桥梁,促进了读者对老人形象的理解。本文对小男孩的形象进行分析,以进一步理解整部作品。
毕业论文关键词:小男孩; 老人; 形象分析
1。 Introduction 1
1。1 Research Background 1
1。2 Research Situation 2
2。 Character Analysis of Manolin and 源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 Santiago 5
2。1 Character Analysis of Manolin 5
2。1。1 Manolin Still as a Child 5
2。1。2 Manolin as a Grownup 6
2。2 Character Analysis of Santiago 6
2。2。1 Santiago as a Lonely Fisherman 7
2。2。2 Santiago as a Hero 7
3。 The Relationship between Santiago and Manolin 8
3。1 Manolin as the Devoted Apprentice of Santiago 8
3。2 Manolin as the Soulmate of Santiago 9
4。 The Existence Value of Manolin 10
4。1 A Mirror of the Old Man 11
4。1。1 Manolin as the Represention of the Young Santiago 11
4。1。2 Manolin as the Continuation of Santiago's Spirit 12
4。1。3 Manolin as the Reflection of Santiago’s Soft Heart 12
4。2The Role in moving and inspiring Readers 13
4。2。1 Manolin as Someone Who Affects the Readers' Emotion Towards the Old Man 13
4。2。2 Manolin as Someone Who Warms Readers' Hearts 《老人与海》中曼诺林形象分析老人的一面镜子:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_195461.html