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时间:2023-12-26 22:07来源:英语论文
Nowadays, International trade and multinational companies have a further development into globalization。 Increasingly number of foreign merchandise find their ways in Chinese market。 During this c

Nowadays, International trade and multinational companies have a further development into globalization。 Increasingly number of foreign merchandise find their ways in Chinese market。 During this course, as a vital attachment to cosmetics, cosmetics instruction arouses more concentration。 Not only advanced advertisements, but also cosmetic instruction can play vital role in promote the consumption of cosmetic。 Consequently, the translation of cosmetics instruction is indispensable。

2。2 Functions of cosmetic instruction

     Actually, cosmetic instructions play an important role like a bridge between producers and consumers。 The key purpose of the cosmetic instructions is to make the customers know about the products and attract them to purchase and make the products can enter the market successfully although the cosmetics instructions are distinctive from one another。 For reach this aim, a great cosmetic instruction need give information about the product, appeal to consumers and gratify them at the same time。 According to Peter Newmark, the language has six functions。 As cosmetic instruction is a different language, it has three main functions such as: (1) the informative function: to deliver information; (2) aesthetic function: make the senses; (3) vocative function: allows the readers to follow the text the way to make reaction。

2。2。1 Informative Function

From Peter Newmark, the essence of the informative function of language is exterior condition, the facts of a topic, reality outside language。 (Newmark 40)。 Therefore, the informative function cosmetic instructions means that they must make the consumers know about the facts and relative information of the products。 In fact, cosmetic instructions as a “brief advertisement” contact products with customers and bring us massive knowledge about the goods, such as ingredients, characteristics, effects, the objective consumers and so on。 If without information, a cosmetic instructions will lack of meaning and value。 From the above, we can know that the informative function is a fundamental function of the cosmetic instructions。 Let us discuss an example: 论文网

Source text: CRÈME DE LA MER Moisturizing Cream

Born from the sea, the legendary Crème de la Mer has the ability to change the skin condition。 In a short period, stable improves, wrinkles and pores become less apparent, the skin looks virtually ageless。 Even the driest complexions are updated and revitalized。 With the nutrient-rich Miracle Broth™, the core of profound transformation of La Mer, skin is immersed in moisture, sensitivities smoothed, restore the glory。

Target text:海蓝之谜经典乳霜

源自于海洋,海蓝之谜经典乳霜富含带给肌肤显著美丽转变的强大能量,短时间内,肌肤紧实有弹力,纹路,皱纹和毛孔都获得淡化,皮肤看起来宛如无龄新生。甚至最干燥的肌肤都能够重新焕发活力。海蓝之谜美丽转变奇迹的核心精华,无比滋养的浓缩紧致精华Miracle Broth™,肌肤获得深度润泽,敏感不适充分舒缓,重新焕发动人光彩。

This is an introduction to the principle component of a kind of cosmetic intructions。 The functions of each ingredient are signed here。 Because the ingredients are nonfigurative and complex, especially for the non-professionals, such kind of explaining can make it easier for the consumers to grasp the information and potential results of the products, which will lead the consumers to be attract at the products and then evoke their desire to purchase the products。 We can say the source and the target texts are both informative。 Without this information, the customers cannot know what on earth the ingredients of the product are, and will bewildered by the abstract words。 Hence, that is to see the informative function is fundamental and essential function of cosmetic instructions。 Another example is:  从功能目的论角度浅析化妆品说明书的英汉翻译(3):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_199935.html
