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时间:2020-08-23 10:23来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:湘西, 傩戏音乐, 形态, 艺术审美, 传承 

Abstract: Nuo Opera music in Western Hunan is an ancient theatrical music, its origins can be traced back to slaves during the ancient times. Wizard of the original generating activities of the nuo Opera are inextricably linked, witchcraft is transformed into a play, during which time it has gone through a long process of evolution. It was handed down in the long river of history and culture, exists because it was accompanied by the human spirit, is the product of human spiritual life, is respect for the natural world, to escape from nature and fate made a kind of revolt and efforts. Nuo Opera as minority religious plays, both in terms of structure and content are of distinct national and regional, reflected in the evolution of the ancient heritage of their peoples and contrasts humanistic personality. This first on it of form features and art aesthetic aspects for simple introduced, again analysis nuo play this a unique of national treasures exists of value, last discussion how will this plays better of flourish, generation received generation of heritage down, for modern and the future music art of development provides rich valuable of spirit resources and wealth, let increasingly more of people understanding xiangxi, understanding China culture of gorgeous colourful.

Key words: In Western Hunan,  nuo Opera music,  form,  aesthetics,  heritage

目 录

1前言 4

2湘西傩戏音乐艺术审美 4

2.1湘西傩戏音乐的表现手段 4

2.2湘西傩戏音乐的表现内容 5

2.3湘西傩戏音乐的表现情感 5

2.4湘西傩戏音乐的表现效果 5

3湘西傩戏音乐的多重价值 6

3.1历史文化价值 6

3.2艺术价值 7

3.3人文学研究价值 7

4湘西傩戏音乐的传承 7

4.1湘西傩戏音乐的继承与创新 8

4.2国家建立保护机制 8

4.3构建教育体系和培养专业人才 9

结 论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12


湘西——作为湖南省一个少数民族聚居的地方,其民风民俗所组成的非物质文化遗产受到了全国乃至世界各地研究人员的关注,而其中最具有代表性的莫过于湘西傩戏。傩戏是从古代流传下来的一种宗教与艺术结合的产物,在古代,人们通过这种祭祀活动来驱鬼逐疫,祈求平安和风调雨顺。傩戏虽然与宗教联系密切,目的都是出于人类共同利益的需要,且带有一定的虚伪性和欺骗性,但它却与那些宗教活动不同。其目的是简单的,古朴的,符合人的心理需要。因此它才经久不衰,逐渐演变成一种戏剧形式,逐渐成为人们文化生活的一部分。 湘西傩戏音乐的艺术审美及其传承:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_58889.html
