摘 要:随着社会的快速发展,人们对美的要求越来越高,随之而来的是对商品包装的挑剔。但是市面上的很多包装尤其是土特产包装往往比较枯燥无味,没有设计感。而精美的包装能够吸引消费者眼球,促进商品的销售。本次“三鱼”土特产包装设计针对“市面上流通的土特产包装无法表现出其天然原生态的特色”这一问题进行了分析,以“淳朴自然”为主题进行包装设计,使“三鱼”土特产能够拥有比较精美并且富有其特色的包装设计。 90808
Abstract:With the rapid development of society, people increasingly demanding the United States, followed by the packaging of goods is critical。 But the market a lot of packaging, especially native products are often more boring packaging, there is no sense of design。 While the fine packaging to attract the attention of consumers, promote the sale of goods。 The "three fish" native product packaging design for the "circulation of the local specialty packaging can not show its natural characteristics of the original ecology" of the problem were analyzed, "simple and natural" as the theme of packaging design, so that three fish Native products can have a more beautiful and rich characteristics of the packaging design。
Keywords:native products, packaging, gesign
目 录
1背景介绍及条件分析 4
2设计目的意义 4
3淮安”三鱼”土特产包装设计方案概述 4
3。1包装的标志设计 5
3。2包装的字体设计 5
3。3包装的图形设计 6
3。4包装的色彩设计 7
3。5包装的编排设计 7
3。6包装的材质 8
4。创新与不足 10
结论 11
整套作品完成稿 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
1 背景介绍及条件分析来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766
土特产行业是中国最传统的行业之一,土特产更是一个地方的美食、文化的象征,但是随着消费者生活水平的日益发展,审美意识提高,一些传统土特产包装对消费者来说已经失去了吸引力,这些包装设计比较单调乏味,无论是印刷还是材质上没有新奇的样式,只是用一些普通的纸质盒子随意包装,根本没有设计美感可言,更谈不上精致(如图1所示)。 淮安三鱼土特产包装设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_198147.html