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时间:2021-01-24 11:07来源:毕业论文

摘  要:视觉设计在当下以及未来的人们生活中会显得越来越重要,传统的石头画是上所绘的图案是水墨山水和具有宗教色彩的人物画,不足以应付现今人们的审美需求。我的毕业作品题目是“石韵”石绘视觉设计,在光滑的雨花石上用丙烯颜料画上自己设计的图案。我将动漫人物火影、龙猫和亲嘴鱼以及猫头鹰夫妇等图案通过装饰色彩的风格手法演变成具有“石韵”独一无二的作品。装饰色彩是一种以研究色彩来美化人们生活的理论和实践的艺术学科。装饰色彩与写实性绘画相比,后者更偏重于再现自然色彩的表现形式,它不受模拟自然色彩的限制,具有表现性,具有简洁、浪漫、淳朴、夸张的特点。62583


Abstract:Visual design in the present and future of the people's life will become more and more important, the traditional stone painting is painted pattern is a Chinese ink and wash painting and a religious figure painting, not enough to meet the aesthetic needs of people nowadays.

My graduation project topic is "Shi Yun" stone paintings visual design. On the smooth pebbles with acrylics on their own design patterns. I will animation character Naruto, chinchillas and kissing fish and owl couple pattern by color decoration style has evolved into a "rock rhyme" unique works. Decorative color is a research color to beautify people's life theory and practice of art discipline. Compared to the decorative color and realistic painting, the latter is more emphasis to reproduce the natural color of the form, it is not simulated natural color, expressive, has the characteristics of simple, romantic, honest, exaggerated.

Keywords: stone painting; graphic design; animation; propylene.

1.前言 6

2.“石韵”石绘视觉设计背景分析 6

3.“石韵”石绘视觉设计目的与意义 7

4.“石韵”石绘视觉设计方案概述 8

  4.1材料选择 8

  4.2风格手法 9

  4.3图形设计 9

  4.4标志设计 11  

  4.5色彩选择与搭配 11

5.创新与不足 12

结论 14

作品完成稿 15

展示效果图 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18




石头材质不仅成本低廉,再从专业的角度按照不同画面的内容、构图、光学折射原理等因素细心雕刻琢磨,使每一块石材的形状配合画面构图。因此不同的画面,石的形状亦不一样。石材雕刻成型后,经过反复抛光,干燥、上油等风干处理后,最后在成型的画面上经过深层化学保护技术处理,使画面实现长久的保存。 石头画“石韵”石绘视觉设计+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_68845.html
