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时间:2022-03-04 23:13来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The ideas of modern women's design to rich modern maglev train, high iron and steel building materials cold orbital elements as the source of inspiration for the design, intended to express modern women through the field of fashion continue to find themselves, to meet the higher demand of clothing beauty。 Using digital printing technology directly to the maglev train, high iron and steel building materials cold track construction used in the works, the selection of about 1cm or sponge, mainly for production profile, in black and white ash filled with a small amount of color。 This works by Chinese Taoist philosophy "small faint in the wild, hermit in the city" that feeling, wise, although in the hustle and bustle of the city, but it can treat with indifference, not lost self, this is true Taoist hermit。 Also the interpretation of the significance of searching for self value in quick rhythm。

Keywords: modern creative women, looking for self, digital printing, profile, black and white

目 录

1  前言 5

2  设计灵感来源 5

2。1  创作依据及简介 5

2。2  设计思路 5

3  设计艺术特色 7

3。1  造型设计 7

3。2  色彩搭配 7

3。3  面料选择 7

4  制作过程 8

4。1  数码印花技术印花过程 8

4。2  制作步骤 9

5  设计的创新与不足 12

结论 13

整套作品完成稿 14

参 考 文 献 16

致 谢 17

1 前言

色彩、造型、面料是服装设计不可忽视的三大要素。在现代服装设计中,黑白灰三色在色彩方面可以说是在时尚界屹立不倒的支架底座,无论是远古时代的周朝五国,还是20世纪的奥黛丽赫本时代,即使是在当今崇尚个性化的今天,黑白灰都傲立于其他流行色的消消长长。它时而性感妩媚,时而低调奢华,时而摩登简约,时而单调平实,设计师们运用手中的魔杖,将黑白灰灵活的与服装结合。服装的廓形设计是造型设计的首要步骤,由廓形设计到服装内部造型设计是从宏观到微观,由整体到局部的设计哲学。协调处理好服装廓形与款式设计的关系是完成服装造型设计的一个重要任务。服装的面料是整个作品体现质感的关键所在,对于整体而言,能起到决定性作用。 隐市现代创意女装设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_90545.html
