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时间:2023-11-05 09:43来源:毕业论文
淮阴师范学院艺术地图设计,以建筑为重点表现对象,从建筑结构到颜色搭配都做到了创新设计。在 展示效果上,除了地图形式的表现以外还有用明信片、挂件、徽章、台历、手提袋和

摘 要 : 地图作为人们出行的必备品,在我们的生活中无处不在,因为一直以来地图的 形象比较单一,人们已经很少关注它。在艺术极速发展的今天,地图必须与艺术相结合才 会引起人们的再次关注。现决定做一份淮阴师范学院的艺术地图,整个地图是通过扁平化 的形式表现出整个学院的建筑结构和道路关系,让同学们能够很自然的掌握整个学校的内 部情况,本次设计以建筑为重点表现对象,从建筑结构到颜色搭配都做到了创新设计。在 展示效果上,除了地图形式的表现以外还有用明信片、挂件、徽章、台历、手提袋和写板 夹等的表现形式,此次视觉形象的设计传承和创新了传统地图的表现形式,使地图设计能 够以一种全新的面貌展示在大家的视野中。90912

毕业论文关 键 词 : 建筑,色彩,扁平化

Abstract:Map as people travel essentials, is everywhere in our life, because has always been the map image is a single, people have paid little attention to it。In today's art speed development, the map must be combined with art will arouse people's attention again。We decided to do a huaiyin normal university art map, the map is in the form of a flattened showed the entire building structure and road of the college, let the students can naturally grasp the internal situation of   thewhole school, the design, with emphasis on the construction performance object, from the building structure to color collocation are pushed to the innovation design。On the display effect, besides map in the form of expression with postcards, accessories, badges, desk calendar, handbag and powder and other forms of writing, the design of the visual image of the inheritance and innovation of the traditional map form, make the map design to a new look show in our field of vision。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Keywords: Building,color,flat

1 背景介绍 6

2 现状分析 6

3 设计的目的和意义 6

4 设计方案概述 7

4。1 设计思路 7

4。2 设计内容 7

4。2。1 淮阴师范学院艺术地图标准字设计 7

4。2。2 淮阴师范学院艺术地图道路图形设计 8

4。2。3 淮阴师范学院艺术地图植被图形设计 8

4。2。4 淮阴师范学院艺术地图建筑图形设计 9

4。2。5 淮阴师范学院艺术地图拓展设计 9

5 创新与不足 11

5。1 设计创新 12

5。2 设计不足 12

结论 13

整体完成电子稿 14

参考文献 20

致谢 21
