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时间:2018-09-06 11:26来源:毕业论文

The comprehensive Non-linear design
Abstract: Architectural design of nonlinear style design already bloom all over the world, but its application in the interior design is relatively less, as a result, the author hope this as an opportunity to combine the architectural design, lighting design, man-machine engineering, and art design, is widely used in interior design.Nonlinear architecture is a rise in the last century 60 s nonlinear design idea (that is, the complex science theory) in the architectural design project, the United States by the mainstream scholars beloved chaos, and under the structure with the aid of the dissipative structure theory of non-standard inspired subjects such as mathematics analysis, and draw lessons from the modern philosophers deleuze Jill to center theory and related philosophy thoughts as the basic starting point, but in solving practical problems are still can be done with the help of advanced computer aided design performance function calculation Including the influence parameters including analysis diagram system analysis results control the generation of architectural form, the results are automatically choose the digital control machine tool manufacturing building components To guide the construction and so on When he has just appeared in the '60 s, when the complex science theory, there are radical designers will he moves in the field of architectural design, design method of trying to change, but because of the limited technical conditions at that time and failed, but in the late 90 s, the science building
KeyWords:  generation of architectural  digital control  architectural
目  录
二、非线性设计的设计方法1   (一)非线性设计中的两种分支以及各自的设计方法论2
1、 参数化非线性设计2
2、 自然结构模仿下的非线性设计2
3、 混沌理论下的非线性设计3
4、 以曲线为基础要素的设计方法4
四、结语 6
五、致谢 7
参考文献 7
    非非线性建筑设计探讨了褶子的世界。时间和空间都是在不断的折叠和打开后反复出现反复轮回的产物和随机结果,因此,也无所谓何为正面,何为反面,何为最终的结果,因为一切都是随机不可预测的。这一新观念打破了欧几里德几何的传统三文空间概念,开启了一个在动态运动中时空共存共联系的流动世界。 非线性设计在办公空间中的综合应用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_22447.html