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时间:2018-10-25 11:49来源:毕业论文

摘  要:“匠人精神”令人动容的原因在于其艺其诚,《考工记》里对“匠人”有这样的描述:“知者创物,巧者述之守之”、“优尔材既具,巧者和之”[1],这里的“巧者”,就指匠人。在古代,技、艺不分,匠人既是设计者又是生产者,在造物中不断地将“知”与“智”,“述之”、“守之”,经过千万次地反复,不断地创新、发展、传承、延续。“匠人精神”的“述”与“守”在于其“艺”其“诚”:“其艺”是指技艺,有别于冰冷的机器生产,它承载着浓烈的情感、传达着手工的温度;“其诚”则是“匠人精神”的核心,真诚的钻研之心、赤诚的求精之魂。为了表达对于“匠人精神”的崇尚,在毕业创作中选择莲为载体,用匠人之心打造莲的“不妖不浊”,着意描绘莲的纯洁、传达莲的热烈。期望以此体会匠艺、感受匠心、致敬匠魂!29613
毕业论文关键词:“匠人精神”“温度” 手工艺 
The heart of the hand To explore its art and its builders -- Cheng
Abstract: Both above a test Abstract: Artisan spirit "touching the reason lies in the fact that the art its honesty, < Gong Ji > in the" craftsman "there is such a description:" the knower, Qiao Shou "," six material can, Qiao and "[1], where the" Qiao ", refers to the craftsmen. In ancient times, technology, art, craftsmen, designers and producers, at the time of creation will continue to" know "and" wisdom "and" the "," Shou ", after thousands of repeated and continuous innovation and development, inheritance, and continued." the craftsman spirit "of" the "and" Shou "is the" art "and the" sincerity ":" the art "refers to the skills, is different in the cold machine Estate, it carries strong emotions, to convey the manual temperature; its sincerity "is the core of" the craftsman spirit ", sincere study of heart, sincere refinement of the soul. In order to express the" artisan spirit "advocating, in the graduate writing lotus as the carrier, builders of the heart to build lotus" demon is not muddy ", deliberately depicting lotus pure and convey the lotus warm. It is expected that this experience craftsmanship, ingenuity, to pay tribute to the carpenter soul!
Key words: "artisan spirit"  "temperature"  crafts

在浮躁的社会环境下,不仅只有归根双手是社会人的情感需求,手工艺人身上不厌其烦、不惜代价的“匠人精神”在沸反盈天的当今社会也显得十分难能可贵。《周礼•考工记》里对“匠人”是这样阐述的:“知者创物,巧者述之守之,世谓之工。”[3]这里提到两类人:一类是“知者”,即智者,有智慧的人;一类是“巧者”,即手工艺人。在古代,技、艺不分,一位手工艺人既是设计者也是生产者,在工作中将“知者”的作品“述之守之”,即传承它、坚守它并不断创新。笔者认为“匠人精神”是“匠人”对“无愧于自己手艺”的那份坚持,他们真诚的热爱生活,热爱自己的事业,珍惜他们手艺,对于作品的各个细节都精雕细琢、精益求精,为了做到“无愧”,毕生都是修行的过程。这种精神曾是中国广大劳动人民的人生意识与工作态度,而现在也逐渐离人们远去,人们一的追求效率,越来越适应“快餐式”生活,专心、专业的专注于事业的人越来越少,所以笔者期待“匠人精神”的回归。 “匠人精神”手工艺其艺•其诚+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_24926.html