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时间:2020-10-14 21:10来源:毕业论文



Study on design of boundary space of urban park

Abstract:With the development of the city, most people like to choose urban park as their activity place, and people’s requirement on urban park are also getting higher and higher. The urban park boundary space is the special space connected with the urban park and the surrounding park environment, it is also strip where has the most kind of people and the highest frequency of various activities occurred. But the urban park boundary space is often overlook design objects. In many urban park landscape design, the boundary space has not been regarded as an important as an important space design objects. The outcome of the border after design space is still a single element of the wall barrier. The purpose of this paper is to explore making the urban park boundary space in harmony with the surrounding environment.

Key Words: urban park; boundary space ; Landscape design


1  绪论 - 3 -

1.1  城市绿地边界空间的概述 - 3 -

1.2  城市绿地公园边界空间与周围环境 - 3 -

2  城市绿地边界空间分析的基础性研究 - 3 -

2.1  城市绿地公园边界空间的特点 - 3 -

2.2  城市绿地公园边界空间的功能 - 4 -

3  城市绿地边界空间的现状分析与设计原则 - 5 -

3.1  当前城市绿地公园边界空间与周围环境的现状 - 5 -

3.2  根据分析研究得出的设计原则 - 7 -

4  延春公园边界空间设计调查研究 - 8 -

4.1  场地区位及概况 - 8 -

4.2  当前边界空间的景观要素设计 - 9 -

4.3  当前边界空间设计中存在的问题 - 9 -

5  总结 - 9 -

致  谢 - 10 -

参考文献 - 10 -

1  绪论

1.1  城市绿地边界空间的概述



景观边界空间可以定义为:景观中两个具有不同功能和物质特征的空间或场所的线性分隔。而城市绿地边界空间指的是在城市绿地公园与其相邻城市公共空间之间的地带。 城市绿地边界空间环境设计研究:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_62838.html
