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时间:2022-08-02 23:04来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  苏式家具文化,互联网+,展示新模式,APP开发

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title      Showcase new models of Soviet-Style furniture   in Internet Plus Era                       

Abstract As a treasure of Chinese traditional culture, Su style furniture culture shows the wisdom of the Chinese nation to the world with its simple lines, scientific structure and rich connotation。 However, with the Internet plus era, people accept the great changes the way of information and thinking has been a traditional display mode is not suitable for the Su style furniture。 Soviet style furniture culture as a traditional culture, but also faced with the crisis of the spread of the display。

This article from the Internet plus point of view, the new display mode of Suzhou style furniture culture research and design, is to use the power of the Internet to show the world the Su style furniture culture。 This paper first conducts the research to the Soviet style furniture culture, and then explore the new display mode of Suzhou style furniture culture from the perspective of Internet plus era, through a series of investigation and analysis, the main way to clear Internet plus time for people to obtain information and the demand structure of Su style furniture, the mobile phone with APP as the carrier, the design using Illustrator Photoshop and other software to create a product to show young people and the popularity of the mobile phone APP Su style furniture culture。

Keywords  Soviet-style furniture,Internet plus, showing the new model, APP development

目   次 

1     苏式家具文化与互联网概述 3

1。1   苏式家具概述 3

1。2   互联网+概述 5

2 互联网+时代下展示苏式家具的意义 6

2。1 苏式家具对传统文化的承载 6

2。2 苏式家具对现代设计的影响 8

3 互联网+时代下的苏式家具展示新模式 8

3。1 苏式家具传统展示模式 8

3。2 互联网+时代下的展示新模式 10

4 互联网+时代下苏式家具展示案例 11

4。1 移动APP原型 互联网+时代下的苏式家具展示新模式:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_97388.html
