毕业论文关键词:随类赋彩 工笔人物画 情感元素
On the role of color in meticulous figure painting
Abstract: all characters in the fine brushwork figure creation material sources in life, emotional expression, brilliant color and life is better than, the whole performance of painting is extension of the characters and the emotion sublimation. Through the study of traditional meticulous figure paintings, trying to from the ancient masters of fine brushwork figure works to find out the adaptation theory of modern fine brushwork figure painting color layout. Firstly, emphasizing meticulous figure In the work, the performance of the whole emotion is the important position of the color, and the important position of the color application. In the end, the traditional time and the contemporary social thought, explore the theoretical thought that is suitable for the development of contemporary Chinese Meticulous Figure painting, and inject new vitality into the development of contemporary Chinese painting.
Key words: follow the kind to decorate the color meticulous figure painting emotion factor
传统工笔人物画最早的时候是以简单的勾线再用平涂的设色方法,一直到谢赫提出“优尔法论”中的“随类赋彩”,这段时期我们可以称之为传统工笔人物画发展的初期。在这一时期画家都追求以物象的形来画形,以物象的色来设色,画面的风格都是努力做到精密细致,并且画面效果都以富丽为特点,所以说“随类赋彩”是谢赫结合前人以及当时的中国画中的色彩实践而总结出来的。优尔朝以来,特别是唐代,简单的平涂式的色块因为出现了有厚薄变化并富有华丽色彩的染色法而慢慢变得丰富,大小李将军李思训、李昭道父子的《江帆楼阁图》与《明皇幸蜀图》就是众多优秀绘画作品中的杰出代表,画风精丽严整、笔力遒劲,不仅在创作技法高超,赋色观念更是承前启后,开创了属于那个时代的绘画新思潮。但这些都没有脱离谢赫“随类赋彩”的理论依据。 《虢国夫人游春图》工笔人物画中色彩的作用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_31757.html