Planning and Design of Qinhuaixin River EcologicalWetland Park of Urban Waterfront Green Space
Abstract:In recent years, China's urbanization process has been accelerating, the city hasbecome increasingly into the jungle of reinforced concrete, and people's demand for greenspace more and more urgent, especially hydrophilic is the inherent nature of people, sopeople desire in the city Water park in the recreational activities, in fact, waterfront spacehas been more and more people's attention. This paper is based on the development of thetrend, and the relevant data and cases are compiled to plan and design the waterfront parkof Qinhuai New River Ship Lock in Nanjing. Qinhuai New River Ship Lock in the island islocated in the Qinhuai River into the mouth of the river, south of Jiaye North Union YuhuaDistrict, west of the Yangtze River east of Xishanqiao residential area, location advantages,and has its own unique locks and other water features, and landscape The current situationis not ideal, the approach is simple and old, so this paper will be re-planning and design toachieve the excavation site landscape resources, strengthen the educational significance ofscience, urban residents, the formation of regional attraction goals for the Qinhuai RiverAdd a touch of beautiful colors.
Key words: urban river; waterfront park; hydrophilic space; water conservancy landscape
目 录
Key words1
1.1 国外河流景观设计研究概况 2
1.1.1 不同时间内河流景观设计分析归纳2
1.1.2 欧美亚主要国家的河流景观设计理念总结归纳2
1.2 国内河流景观设计研究概况3
1.2.1 我国城市河流景观设计阶段划分3
1.2.2 不同学科的视角下对于河流景观设计提出的设想3
1.3 滨水湿地公园景观规划相关概念和理论依据3
1.3.1 滨水公园景观规划设计相关概念界定3
1.3.2 滨水公园景观规划设计相关理论依据及应用4
1.4 城市河流水利景观规划相关理论依据5
1.4.1 城市河流水利景观的资源特色5
1.4.2 与一般城市滨水景观的区别5
1.4.3 开发利用条件5
2.1 项目概况5
2.1.1 项目区位 5
2 . 1 . 2 项目位置及范围6
2. 1. 3 上位规划6
2.1.4 城市空间结构分析6
2.1.5 周边用地性质分析 7
2.1.6 交通关系分析 7
2.1.7 景源分析8
2.2 基址分析8
2.3 规划目标、原则、依据8
2.3.1 规划目标8
2.3.2 规划原则9
2.3.3 规划9
2.4 设计概念与构思9
2.5 总体设计9
2.5.1 总体布局9
2.5.2 交通流线规划9
2.5.3 地形及高程规划9
2.5.4 节点布置与视线分析10
2.6 分区规划10
2.7 专项设计11
2.7.1 驳岸改造策略11
2.7.2 种植设计11 秦淮新河生态湿地公园规划设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_36932.html