Oil Painting Figure is Analysed the Performance of the Language
In such an era of globalization constantly fusion, painting this art is becoming more and more persified. Different styles of painting in the painting performance form and technique performance is becoming more and more can bring different visual feeling and spiritual shock. Classical oil painting representation for rigorous, clear, harmonious visual characteristics, such as for the performance of the object is exquisite and delicate. Making people feel comfortable on the vision, good characters. And many modern painting techniques, show the visual contrast, artistic language hyperbole, give people unlimited away. This article mainly analyzes the classical oil painting character and contemporary oil painting language of the different characters and show different visual feelings and emotions. Through the analysis of different painting figures display languages, embodied in the understanding of its different emotional rendering, told the audience different artistic language to express the emotional effect of different, and different oil painting expression through bold attempt to bring viewers distinctive visual perception. Hope to create a certain inspiration, so that people can more conscious in paintings use different language to express the characters in the painting ethos and oneself want to express emotions.
Key Words: Oil painting figure; Language; Classical; modern
一 油画人物表现语言的发展与演变
文艺复兴时期由于文化思想的变革,当时的社会思想逐渐肯定了人的价值和地位,提出解放人、重视人的存在。开始注重对于人体美的表现,所以越来越多的人物肖像画开始出现。由于艺术家们思想上的解放更加具有创新意识,作画上突破了前人的束缚。扬·凡·艾克对于油画技法的革新在世界绘画艺术都是具有重要影响,有利于精细刻画,也缩短了绘画制作时间。但是相对于现代的油画创作,古典主义风格的绘画仍然是消耗数倍多的时间来创作一幅作品的。随着油画的绘画材料的改变,油画的绘画技术已基本完善了,文艺复兴时期的美术推崇对自然的描摹,追求逼真、再现客观事物。然而随着时代的发展,绘画形式由细腻柔和变得随意夸张具有强烈的视觉冲击力。人们对于古典主义形式的绘画有着不同的变革思想,现代的抽象变形绘画以及超写实绘画等等对于人物肖像画都有很大的影响与促进的作用。 浅析油画人物的表现语言:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_52337.html