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时间:2021-01-24 20:28来源:毕业论文




AbstractFostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo is modern calligraphy seal cutting master, his "poem calligraphy and seal" the highest achievement of four unique is the seal cutting.And the seal cutting concept to carry out "printing out of the book," on the calligraphic style knife method, for so many of his seal cutting works of calligraphy pen interest.

Fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo works of seal cutting in the variety of calligraphic style performance of spirit and the size of the seal cutting works to get incisively and vividly, become the object of contemporary many indians have to follow the copy.This paper to explore and analyze how exactly what are the meaning of a passage in the fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo seal cutting and performance were studied.Study is pided into the following three aspects: one is the sorting and collecting fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo calligraphy seal cutting knife method, the second is analysis of the variety of calligraphic style performance, three is the combination of seal cutting work in comparative analysis between fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo books commonness and with what kind of knife method to performance.

Keywords: fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo, seal cutting, punching, cutting, calligraphic style, pettifoggery unite

绪 论 4

1.吴昌硕篆刻刀法特征概述 4

1.1刀法特点——冲切多变,动静相宜 4

1.2做印特点——残而生灵,残可增韵 6

2.吴昌硕书法作品中的笔意特征探析 8

2.1沉静肃穆——吴昌硕书法笔意中的静态表现 8

2.2纵逸放达——吴昌硕书法笔意中的动态表现 9

2.3动静相宜——吴昌硕书法笔意中动静态兼备的表现 10

3.吴昌硕篆刻中的笔意及其刀法表现特征 11

3.1动若游云——吴昌硕篆刻中的动态笔意特征及其刀法表现 11

3.2不动如山——吴昌硕篆刻中的静态笔意特征及其刀法表现 14

3.3动静自如——吴昌硕篆刻中动静结合的笔意特征及其刀法表现 16

参考文献 20

致 谢 21

 绪 论

吴昌硕的艺术生涯中,以篆刻的艺术成就为最高,他自己也曾说:“人说我善作画,其实我的书法比画好,而我的篆刻更胜于书法。” 他在《西泠印社记》中也提到:“予少好篆刻,自少至老,与印无一日离,稍知其源流与正变。”  吴昌硕篆刻中的笔意表现铁笔纵横:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_68897.html
