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时间:2021-01-27 20:37来源:毕业论文

摘 要:狂草属于草书中最放肆的一种,笔势相连而圆转,字形狂放多变。在今草的基础上将点画连绵书写,形成一笔书,在章法上与今草一脉相承。狂草之成就是唐代书法的最高峰的另一个方面的表现。张旭、怀素是其代表。本文欲从二人的笔法、造型、线质、章法的具体比较,将法帖的技法与审美分析分类,探讨二人对狂草的融合与创新,从而深刻地理解其书法艺术的精妙之处。62755

毕业论文关键词:张旭、怀素、狂草、 异同、自叙帖、 古诗四帖

Abstract: The unconstrained cursive script belongs to one of the most aggressive in cursive, handwriting is linked together, round turn, glyph wild variety. Will be the basis of jincao stipple continuous writing, form a book, and ronal jincao in rhyme. Achievement is the highest peak of the tang dynasty calligraphy of the unconstrained cursive script another aspect of performance. Said zhang xu and huai su is its representative, 2 the world top puffed up, zhang xu, the history of our said. In this paper, from two person's brushwork, styling, quality, rhythm, rhyme specific comparison, will include the techniques of classification and aesthetic analysis, the discussion of integration and innovation of the unconstrained cursive script, so as to deeply understand the art of calligraphy is ingenious. 

Key words: zhang xu, huai su similarities and differences between the unconstrained cursive script capitalise on post Ancient four post

1.“草书”概述 4

1.2草书”的分类 4

1.3 张旭与怀素狂草特点 4

2张旭“古诗四帖”与怀素“自叙帖”狂草表现笔法之异同 6

2.1表现笔法之同 6

2.2表现笔法之异 8

3张旭“古诗四帖”与怀素“自叙帖”狂草表现造型之异同 8

3.1表现造型之同 8

3.2表现造型之异 9

4. 张旭“古诗四帖”与怀素“自叙帖”狂草表现线质之异同 10

4.1表现线质之同 10

4.2表现线质之异 10

5. 张旭“古诗四帖”与怀素“自叙帖”狂草表现章法处理之异同 11

5.1表现章法处理之同 11

5.2表现章法处理之异 12

结论 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16



许慎《说文解字》曰:"汉兴有草书"[ ]。这里,许慎所说“草书”范畴,将“草书”定位在章草之内,“草书”的诞生是中国书法史上灿烂的一章。



“章草”是早期的草书,始于秦汉。由草写的隶书演变而成的标准草书。"章草"这种字体最初只称为"草书",后"今草"出现后,为示区别,改称得"章"名。章草是"今草"的前身,与"今草"的区别主要是保留隶书笔法的形迹,上下字独立而基本不连写。对于章草的起源,后代的学者们众说纷纭,终不离其意,多是个人的偏爱和喜好了。 以《古诗四帖》与《自叙帖》为例浅谈张旭与怀素狂草之异同:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_69044.html
