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时间:2021-02-11 19:13来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词 文化  创新  融合

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

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Along with the development of interior design, various style of the fusion between the gradually deepening, the connotation of the neoclassical has become very broad. It is no longer in a particular region specific genre of proper nouns, and become the country's indigenous culture in Chinese traditional culture based on innovation derived after the improved version of the traditional culture. In terms of household culture, neoclassicism is refers to under the norms of traditional culture, rich materials, using modern technology to essence of traditional culture, classic, the work not only has a dignified and elegant temperament, and has obvious times feature design technique. Neoclassicism, therefore, is the perfect combination of classical and modern, the essence of it from the traditional, but it is not antique, not restore ancient ways, but the cultural essence of depth of extraction. 

Keywords  Neoclassicism   The traditional culture   Reform and innovation   The essence 

1  引言 1

2  课题的意义 1

3  设计表达的内容 2

4  设计目标和原则 2

5  具体室内设计 3

5.1  现状分析以及客户需求分析 3

5.1.1  现状分析 3

5.1.2  客户需求分析 4

5.2  空间及功能划分 5

5.3  庭院设计 5

5.4  一楼客厅、厨房及餐厅设计 6

5.4.1  一楼客厅设计 6

5.4.2  一楼厨房及餐厅设计 7

5.5  二楼卧室、老人房设计 8

5.6  三楼卧室、书房、茶室设计 9

5.6.1 三楼卧室设计 9

5.6.2  三楼书房、茶楼设计 9

5.7  卫生间设计 10

6  灯具、装饰陈设、家具、材料等的选择 11

6.1  室内色彩规划以及灯具选择 11

6.2  室内的装饰设计 11

结语 13

致谢 14

参考文献 15

1 引言


2 课题的意义 乡土印象-南京市江宁区某别墅设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_69660.html
