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时间:2022-02-20 20:07来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Art appreciation course has great help to enrich students' art knowledge, cultivate aesthetic taste, improve the aesthetic ability and comprehensive quality, and promote the overall development of the students。 How to realize the positive meaning of appreciation course through teaching method is the question that I have been thinking about during the course of two months。 Teaching methods for students to master the teaching content is an important bridge, so teaching methods need to carry on the design according to the teaching content, which requires teachers in-depth understanding of teaching content, accurately grasp the emphasis and difficulty of teaching, make the reasonable selection of teaching content。 On this basis, combined with the teaching environment design of teaching methods, in order to achieve the students enjoy the autonomy of the play and the mastery of teaching content。 This paper is mainly about the experience and comprehension of some teaching methods of art appreciation course in practice。 It is a summary of the practice, thinking and practice of teaching activities。

Key words: art appreciation, teaching methods, heavy and difficult points, autonomy, situation creation

目 录

1 引言 4

2  欣赏课教学方法设计的前提 4

2。1 教学重难点的准确把握 4

2。2 教材内容的合理选择 5

3 欣赏课教学方法的运用与体会 6

3。1 合理运用教学方法发挥学生的自主性 6

3。1。1 课前预习,让学生“有备而赏” 7

3。1。2引导学生观察,培养主观意识 7

3。1。3 鼓励学生发言,表达主观感受 8

3。2 情景创设法的初探与感悟 8

3。3 欣赏与动手结合,突破传统观念 9

结  语 10

参 考 文 献 11

致 谢 12

1 引言 

“欣赏·评述”是美术课程划分的四个学习领域之一,它对于丰富学生的美术知识、提高审美能力、陶冶情操、提高综合素质,促进其全面发展具有重要的意义。[1]美术欣赏课的教学贯穿整个美术教学,在教学内容中占有重要的地位。如何通过美术欣赏课培养学生的综合素质,达到教学目的?这对教师的教学能力是一大考验,同时也是作为教学新手的我在实习过程中一直在思考的问题。在指导老师的指导下以及自己摸索研究的过程中,我对中学美术“欣赏 评述”学习领域课堂教学实践有了一些自己的体会和感悟,并在实践运用中对欣赏课的教学方法做了一些总结。文献综述 中学美术欣赏课教学方法实践运用体会与感悟:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_90029.html
