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时间:2022-06-04 12:30来源:毕业论文

摘要: 随着当今数字媒体的迅速发展,三维动画、电脑二维动画逐渐占领了市场主导地位,传统动画艺术形式面临着巨大的考验。传统动画制作方式——定格动画,是否将会淡出历史的舞台?这一独特的艺术手段与审美形式是否依然能迎合当下的文化发展需求,博得大家的喜爱?正值迪士尼乐园在上海火爆开园,我将这一传统艺术形式与时下热点进行了结合,用定格动画的表现形式设计制作一支迪士尼乐园的广告。成品的品质受各方因素的影响,譬如艺术风格、剧情、受众定位等,所以,完备的调研、分析和对比选择必不可少。确定了迪士尼的大方向,我选择了自己喜爱的圣诞节。由圣诞节引发的联想,无非不过雪、美食、礼物和温馨的氛围。迪士尼动画电影“冰雪奇缘”中呆萌可爱的雪宝便是主角的不二之选,他是雪人,却渴望着与“温暖”有关的一切事物。广告剧情主要描述雪宝在圣诞夜的奇遇,在迪士尼乐园的欢乐。81260

关键词: 定格动画;传统艺术;迪士尼;广告;雪宝

"Xue bao"stop motion animation

Abstract: With the rapid development of digital media, 3D animation, 2D computer animation gradually occupied the market dominance, traditional animation art form faces a huge test。 Will the traditional animation style, the stop-motion animation, fade from the stage of history? Does this unique artistic method and aesthetic form still cater to the current cultural development demand, and win the people's affection? Hot BBS as Disneyland in Shanghai, I will this traditional art form combined with the current hot, with stop motion animation form design a Disneyland。 The quality of the finished product is influenced by the factors, such as art, drama and audience positioning, therefore, the complete investigation, analysis and comparison to choose is necessary。 Defining the direction of Disney, I chose my favorite Christmas。 Christmas day, it's nothing but snow, food, gifts and a warm atmosphere。 Disney animated film "snow country" cute lovely snow treasure is the leading role of choice, he is a snowman, but eager to all things related to the "warm"。 The AD plot mainly describes snow's Christmas Eve adventure, the joy of Disneyland。 

Keywords: stop motion animation; traditional art; Disney; advertising


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 绪论 1

1。1 定格动画的发展现状 1

1。1。1 国内现状 1

1。1。2 国外现状 2

1。2 定格动画的发展方向 3

2 创意思路 5

2。1 定格动画广告特点 5

2。2 主角选择 6

2。3 故事演绎 6

2。4 分镜脚本 7

3 设计 12

3。1 材料选择 12

3。2 拍摄过程 13

3。3 剪辑 15

3。4 后期合成 17

3。4。1 表情合成 17

3。4。2 运动合成 雪宝定格动画设计与制作:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_94852.html
