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时间:2023-04-09 21:00来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词    农村居民    基层医生    基层首诊    认知    意愿   

Abstract Purpose To master the cognition, willingness and influencing factors of rural residents and doctors in Jinhua, to provide basis for promoting the construction of the first diagnosis system。 Method Yongkang, Wuyi, Pujiang township hospitals, village clinics and nearby rural residents were selected, adopt Stratified Sampling Method, field surveys were conducted on 600 rural residents and 250 doctors, Non Parametric Test was used to analyze the primary cognition of rural residents and doctors, and the willingness to do single factor analysis, Multiple Stepwise Regression Analysis was used to analyze the primary cognitive factors, the main influencing factors and the influence degree。 Result The awareness rates of rural residents and doctors on first visit were 74。6% and 72。4% respectively, the distance from rural residents to medical institutions and the work intensity of primary doctors is the biggest influencing factor; the first intention rate of rural residents and doctors was 68% and 68。8% respectively, the most influential factor of rural residents' willingness to go first is the visiting environment, and the most important influencing factor of doctors is the concept cognition of first visit。 Conclusion Suggestions from the promotion of rural residents and doctors attending the first doctor cognition, active site service, training of general practitioners, to establish a reasonable salary system, appropriate to expand the proportion of Medicare reimbursement gap and promote the first consultation work at the grass-roots level in rural areas。

Keywords    Rural residents    Grassroots doctor    First visit at the grassroots level    Cognition    Desire


1数据来源与研究方法 5

1。1文献研究法 5

1。2问卷调查法 5

1。2。1研究对象与抽样方法 5

1。2。2样本量 5

1。3数据分析法 5

1。4技术路线图 6

2结果与分析 7

2。1基本情况 7

2。1。1农村居民源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766基本情况 7

2。1。2基层医生基本情况 7

2。3农村居民和医生基层首诊认知现状及影响因素分析 金华农村居民和医生基层首诊认知意愿及影响因素研究:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_158183.html
