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时间:2023-05-15 23:06来源:毕业论文

摘    要目的 本研究通过对浙江省各地区卫生监督管理相对人满意度的调查,了解卫生监督管理相对人满意度现状,分析不同领域、不同地区的管理相对人满意度是否具有统计学差异,为完善卫生监督绩效考核体系提供建议和参考。方法 通过文献研究、专家咨询自制调查问卷,通过电话调查的形式对330名浙江省各地区卫生监督管理相对人进行满意度调查。通过描述性分析、非参数秩和检验对卫生监督管理相对人满意度进行现状分析。结果 Cronbachs’ α系数为0。934,问卷信度良好。86。3%的调查对象对卫生监督工作非常满意,12。5%的人比较满意,1。2%的人认为一般、很不满意,总体满意度得分为4。83。宁波地区卫生监督管理相对人满意度最高,学校卫生监督管理相对人对卫生监督工作满意度最高。建议 结合实际,突出重点,不断提升卫生监督员业务能力;加强执法,取长补短,狠抓各地区、领域工作质量;依靠群众,加强监督,深入推进卫生监督执法队伍建设;优化结构,统筹兼顾,持续完善卫生监督绩效考核体系。88778

毕业论文关键词:卫生监督;管理相对人; 满意度

Abstract  Objective The purpose of this study through the investigation of health supervision and management in various regions of Zhejiang province relative satisfaction, understanding of health supervision and management relative person satisfaction situation, analyze whether different regions in different areas, the relative person of management satisfaction has significant differences, to provide advice and reference for the improvement of health supervision and performance appraisal system。 Through the method of literature study, focus group discussion by self-made questionnaire, telephone survey form of relative health supervision and management of 330 regions in Zhejiang province are the actual satisfaction survey, 329 valid questionnaires。 Through descriptive analysis and nonparametric rank sum test, the satisfaction degree of health supervision and management counterpart was analyzed。 Results the Cronbachs's alpha coefficient was 0。934, and the questionnaire reliability was good。 86。3% of the respondents were very satisfied with the work of health supervision, 12。5% of them were satisfied, 1。2% of them considered general and unsatisfactory, and the overall satisfaction score was 4。83。 In Ningbo, Quzhou and Lishui areas, the satisfaction degree of health supervision and management is the highest, and the counterpart of school health management has the highest satisfaction。 There were significant differences in the relative health supervision and management in different areas of the health information acquisition, health publicity and education laws, supervisor business ability, management ability, supervision mechanism supervision mechanism of trust degree, development degree, good overall satisfaction index (P<0。05)。 Significant health supervision and management in different areas of relative satisfaction of health information, health publicity and education laws, supervisor discipline style, service attitude, supervisor supervisor business ability, management ability, supervision mechanism supervision mechanism of trust degree, development degree, good overall satisfaction difference (P<0。05)。 Suggestions in combination with the actual situation, focus, and constantly improve the health supervisor business ability; rely on the masses, strengthen supervision, to further promote the health supervision and law enforcement team construction; optimize the structure, overall planning, continuously improve the performance appraisal system of health supervision。

Keyword: health supervision。;health inspection work;satisfaction;

目    录

1 引言 5

2 研究方法 浙江省卫生监督管理相对人满意度现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_167765.html
