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时间:2017-06-28 21:24来源:毕业论文

关键词  温度控制系统  PID控制  改进算法  MATLAB仿真   
Title      The Study of Design Biodiesel Refining    Process Automation System                                                
In the context of extracting and purifying bio diesel of one company in Xi’an, combine the basic requirements of alteration in automation system, make preliminary control system designing scheme and do specific research on temperature control of formaldehyde recovery tower in the production process. The primary details are as follows.(1)Introduce Biodiesel Technology. Project requirements, design the control system implementation.  That control system use two DCS structure and use PLC as field control and use computer to realize the monitor of the system.(2)By analyzing temperature control process of formaldehyde recovery tower, establish reasonable mathematical model.(3)Introduce PID control strategy. Focused on the improved algorithm with the time delay of the temperature control system and use MATLAB to simulate. Simulation results show that: PID control algorithm for compensation had little effect, in the controlled object unchanged Smith compensation algorithm has a good effect, in the load disturbance, gain adaptive algorithm has good effect.
Keywords  Temperature Control System  PID Control  Improve Algorithm MATLAB Simulation  
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景及意义    1
1.2  论文研究内容    2
1.3  论文结构安排    3
2  系统需求分析与方案设计    4
2.1  生物柴油提炼技术概述    4
2.2  生物柴油提炼系统自动化方案设计    5
2.2.1  控制系统结构方案    5
2.2.2  甲醇回收塔温度控制方案    6
2.3  本章小结    7
3  PID算法及克服纯延时的几种方案    8
3.1  PID控制算法    8
3.1.1  常规PID算法    8
3.1.2  微分先行的PID控制算法    9
3.1.3  中间微分反馈的PID控制算法    10
3.2  Smith补偿控制算法    10
3.3  增益自适应补偿控制算法    11
3.4  本章小结    12
4  甲醇回收塔温度控制系统仿真    13
4.1  甲醇回收塔温度系统模型    13
4.2  纯滞后系统仿真    15
4.2.1  串联PID控制仿真    15 生物柴油提炼过程的自动化系统设计与研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_10045.html