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时间:2021-09-03 19:33来源:毕业论文

摘  要皮带运输机作为被广泛应用的物料传送设备,它的组成部分简单明了,而且工作时一次能够运输大量的物料,并且能够适应长距离的传输,整个系统运行时安全可靠。这些特点让它成为煤矿单位最重要的输送设备。我国大型、超大型煤矿正在不断增多,随着科学技术的发展,企业对皮带传输机的功能要求也越来越多。皮带运输机因其各方面的优点,已经成为煤矿生产业中主要的输送工具[5]。在皮带运输机运行过程中,由于各种原因会出现纵向撕裂、振动和跑偏等一些常见的故障,一旦发生以上故障,后果往往很严重,本文详细分析了各故障产生的原因及影响,同时围绕故障原因分析了解决方法,选用对应传感器,并且对系统进行了监测和保护。71695




毕业论文关键词:分级启停  PLC  故障监测

Design of Belt Transmission Control System Based on PLC

Abstract Belt conveyor is widely used as a material transfer equipment, part of it is simple, and can transport large amounts of material at a time, and adapted to long-distance transmission, safe and reliable operation of the system as a whole. These characteristics make it become the most important coal mining unit of transport equipment. Large and super large coal mines in China are growing with the development of science and technology, and business functional requirements for belt conveyor is also increasing. Belt conveyor for its various advantages, have become a main transportation tool in the coal mining industry [5]. In the course of belt conveyor running, due to various reasons will appear portrait tear, vibration and misalignment common failure, once the above failure occurs, the consequences are often severe, this paper analyzes the reasons for the failures and influence, while around failure analysis solution, choose the corresponding sensors and the monitoring and protection of the system. 

Full text of a detailed statement of the overall design of the system. Control unit to PLC controller, combined with the distributed control system DCS, as well as sensors, achieving fault detection and classification of belt conveyor starts and stops.       

Belt conveyor based on PLC systems, belt transmission system to improve efficiency and productivity, and production costs and losses due to failure greatly reduced, which makes it valuable.

The paper Figure 18, table 2, 26 references are presented.

Key words: Grading Start and Stop   PLC   Fault Monitoring 

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

1绪论 1

1.1皮带传输机控制的研究现状及发展前景 1

1.2 本课题研究的目的和意义 1

1.3 内容安排 2

2 皮带传输机的监测系统选择 3

2.1 集散控制系统DCS 3

2.2 现场总线控制系统FCS 5

2.3 DCS和FCS的比较 8

2.4 控制系统构建 PLC皮带传输控制系统设计+梯形图程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_81377.html
