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时间:2018-03-02 14:15来源:毕业论文

 关键词  发火控制系统 单片机技术 C语言
Title    Design of A Rocket Ignition Control System  (Software  Part)
As the important part of the multiple rocket launcher system(MRLS),the rocket launcher ignition and control system play the very important role in improving the precision and security of the MRLS.
In the course of the study of this subject, first of all, though the study of the main structure of contemporary rocket ignition controller and the future development trend, to complete the overall design of the ignition controller, as well as key components in the selection.Second, complete hardware design of the ignition control system  through the use of digital and analog electronics, data communications, control technology and microcontroller technology ,though in-depth study of the structure of the control system and hardware, successful develop a rocket ignition controller to adapt to the 24-barrel rocket launcher and to achieve the high level of integration of the rocket and real-time monitoring of launch state of each tube.
Keywords  Multiple Launch Rocket System  SCM Technique C Language
目   录    I
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题研究背景及意义    1
1.2    发火控制系统现状    1
1.3    发火控制系统发展趋势    3
1.4    设计中主要工作及意义    5
2    某火箭发火控制系统总体设计    6
2.1    总体分析    6
2.1.1    主要技术指标    6
2.1.2    主要功能    6
2.1.3    设计原则    7
2.2    总体方案设计    7
2.2.1    点火控制部分    8
2.2.2    点火执行部分    9
2.2.3    人机交互界面    10
2.3    系统设计中关键元器件的选择    11
2.3.1    中央控制处理器的选择    11
2.3.2    点火开关器件的选择    12
2.4    本章小结    12
3    某火箭发火控制系统软件部分设计    13
3.1    AVR系列单片机简述    13
3.2    单片机语言的选择    13
3.3    软件系统的总体设计    14
3.4    点火控制部分软件设计    14
3.4.1    串行通信模块    15
3.4.2    键盘扫描识别模块    17 单片机24管火箭发火控制系统设计+C语言源程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_10158.html