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时间:2018-03-02 16:20来源:毕业论文

Title    Modeling and Control of DC-DC converter switching system                                                     
Power converters being typical switched nonlinear system,the modeling and analysis always employ the ideas in linear systems for epistemology limitation for a 1ong time,which leads to so many characteristics unknown for power converters.In this dissertation,from the viewpoint of control system developments:linear system to nonlinear system,then to hybrid dynamic system,power converters are considered as one kind hybrid dynamic system combined continuous state variable with discrete  switched variable together,that is caned as switched linear system in general. DC-DC converters are chosen as research objectives investigated and complete system analysis theories from modeling to control fundamental theories of control system are obtained,which make up the shortage of fundamental theories of power converters as control system.The main contents are listed as follows.
First, switched linear system modeling theory for DC-DC converters is presented.According to topologies and operation principle  of DC-DC converters,definition and normalized form of switched 1inear system are given and feasibility study on switched linear system theory for the modeling of DC-DC converters is  presented.Switching linear system model to establish the basic DC-DC converter, the DC-DC converter switching linear systems modeling theory is obtained.
    Then, from the combined perspective of switched system and passivity system theory, a novel approach to the modeling of DC-DC converters is presented, namely switched affine systems. Finally, based on the sufficient condition for quadratic stability of convex combination of the controllers, together with used the stored energy in the inductance and the capacitor as a common Lyapunov function, switching rules and activation region of all the subsystems can be defined to assess quadratic stability of the switched system.
Keywords  switched linear system  DC-DC converters  switched affine systems switching controller
1 绪论    1
1.1 DC-DC变换器建模方法    1
1.1.1数值法    2 DC-DC变换器的切换系统建模与控制研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_10181.html