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时间:2018-03-02 16:37来源:毕业论文

关键词  无刷直流电机、有限元、ANSYS
Title     Performance Analysis of Brushless DC Motor     
The permanent magnet linear motor is a kind of new electrical engineering that has the very high fixed position accuracy.The differents between the permanent linear motor and the type of non-permanent is that it adopts thepermanent be the source of dlux Opposite in traditional resolution method,Finite element analysis can shorten the design period of the electrical engineering and reduce to the design cost,it also can get the analysis of a precision tu the magnetic field and fotce of the linear motor the ansys8.0 is a finitr element analvtical software.
Throught the method of the Finite element for the electromagnetic analysis,we use ANSYS8.0 creat a model for the Permanent magnet lineat motor with finite element method.We analysis its 2-D setaic magnetic and get the first result. Then we analysis the force field by finish the analysis of its magetic field We calaulate the thrust and normal force combining the analysis of the permanent magnet linear motor,study the relationship between thecurrent and thrust,normal force.The work for this paper can give some help and advice to the study and design of the permanent linear motor.
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1无刷直流电机的发展与应用    1
1.2 无刷直流电机的分类    2
1.3 无刷直流电机的工作原理    3
1.4 有限元分析及相关软件的简介    4
1.5 课题的主要意义和论文的主要工作    7
2 ANSYS 8.0及其在电磁场有限元计算中的应用    8
2.1 电磁场的有限单元法    8
2.2 电磁力计算方法    10
2.3 ANSYS有限元建模    12
2.4 网格的划分和单元的选择    15
2.5 边界条件的加载    17
3 无刷直流电机的电磁场有限元仿真分析    18
3.1无刷直流电机的磁场分析方法概述    18
3.2无刷直流电机的磁场有限元仿真模型    18
3.3无刷直流电机的磁场分析    21
4 无刷直流电机的力场特性的有限元仿真分析    23
4.1无刷直流电机的矢量变换控制方法    23
4.2推力和法向力与电流大小的分析    23
4.3推力和法向力与电机电流相位的关系    24 ANSYS无刷直流电机的有限元分析+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_10184.html