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时间:2018-04-10 19:37来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:微流控芯片 连续进液驱动用推进器 单片机 步进电机 串口通信
Title  Continuous inlet driving syringe and control system design of microfluidic chip                               
Microfluidic chip technology is the sample preparation of biological, chemical, medical analysis process, reaction, separation, detection, and other basic operating unit integrated onto a single chip micron scale, auto-complete analysis of the entire process. Because of its great potential in the fields of biology, chemistry, medicine, and has developed into a biological, chemical, medical, fluid, electronics, materials, machinery and other new interdisciplinary research field.To meet the requirements of microfluidic chip technology, combined with microfluidic pulse drive control technology to design a microfluidic chips used in precision micro-injection propulsion. Precision micro injection syringe  hardware includes bench, stepper motor control circuit and a PC. Software includes a stepper motor driver and PC HMI Software. Precision micro injection syringe using the work PC and SCM line running through two RS-232 serial communications for data transmission . SCM in response to a variety of PC-control commands, the stepper motor driver issue commands to drive the stepper motor to achieve precise microinjection thruster for microfluidic chips into the liquid continuous function.
Keywords:  microfluidic chip  precision micro injection syringe  SCM   stepper motor driver  serial communication
目   次
1. 绪论    1
1.1. 微流控芯片技术    1
1.2. 连续进液驱动用推进器    2
1.3. 研究内容    2
2. 连续进液驱动用推进器总体方案设计    2
2.1. 设计方案    6
2.2. 设计指标    7
2.3. 硬件组成    8
2.4. 本章小结    9
3. 连续进液驱动用推进器械结构设计    11
3.1. 机械结构总体设计    11
3.2. 驱动部分设计    11
3.3. 支架结构部分设计    17
3.4. 机械部分整体装配结构    20
3.5. 本章小结    21
4. 连续进液驱动用推进器硬件电路设计    22
4.1. 硬件电路总体设计    22
4.2. 下位机核心板设计    22
4.3. 串口通信电路设计    28
4.4. 步进电机驱动电路设计    30
4.5. 本章小结    31 微流控芯片连续进液驱动用推进器及控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_12793.html