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时间:2018-04-09 20:31来源:毕业论文
通过线性化的数学模型设计了 PID 控制器,控制飞行器姿态角的稳定性和抗扰动能力。通过调节 PID 参数,得出了适合本混合模式飞行器的控制器参数,仿真了飞行器俯仰角、横滚角和偏

在搭建硬件平台的基础上,通过线性化的数学模型设计了 PID 控制器,控制飞行器姿态角的稳定性和抗扰动能力。通过调节 PID 参数,得出了适合本混合模式飞行器的控制器参数,仿真了飞行器俯仰角、横滚角和偏航角的响应曲线,为下一步飞机的稳定飞行提供了理论依据。 20792
关键词  旋翼  固定翼  无人机 混合模式  动力学建模  仿真实验
 Title  The design of UAV with both fixed mode and VTOL 
The study of the UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)based on fixed mode and VTOL
has been the hot spot in relevant areas. In this paper, the hardware
structure of the UAV based on fixed mode and VTOL  is designed. This design
method has some innovations including the vectoring thrust which has two
rings with two degrees of freedom. The reconfigurable wings can fold and
unfold by the linkage of servo motors, and the adaptive center of gravity
can alter the location of battery in the body with the aid of the pulley
system. Based on this, the switch from VTOL mode to the fixed wing mode
is achieved. The stability of the UAV attitude in different mode is
guaranteed by the adaptive center of gravity.
Taking the hardware platform into consideration, control strategies are
designed based on linearization techniques in which the stability of the
attitude angle and the related anti-interference ability is achieved. By
adjusting the PID parameters, the UAV controller is easily derived. In this
process, the response curves of pitch angle, roll angle and heading angle
are obtained with the aid of simulation, which provides theoretical basis
for the next step to keep the stability of flight.
Keywords    Rotor wing  Fixed wing  UAV   Mixed mode  Dynamic model    Simulation
目   次
1  绪论1
1.1  论文研究的意义1
1.2  国内外研究历史与发展现状1
1.3  课题来源6
1.4  本文的工作与论文结构6
2  旋翼/固定翼混合模式无人飞行器硬件平台设计与搭建 7
2.1  引言7
2.2  飞行器硬件平台设计方案7
2.3  飞行器硬件平台设计流程7
2.4  本章小结 26
3  旋翼/固定翼混合模式无人飞行器模型的建立与辨识27
3.1  引言 27
3.2  非线性模型的建立 27
3.3  非线性模型参数的辨识 28
3.4  固定翼模式下飞行器动力学模型的线性化 29
3.5  本章小结 31
4  旋翼/固定翼混合模式无人飞行器的控制器设计与仿真32
4.1  引言 32
4.2  控制器的设计 32
4.3  仿真结果 34
4.4  本章小结 35
结  论36
致  谢37
1  绪论
1.1 论文研究的意义
由于世界上第一个自动驾驶仪的出现[5] 旋翼/固定翼混合模式无人飞行器平台设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_12698.html