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时间:2024-05-28 21:19来源:95482





Abstract:DC motor speed control system not only in a wide range of smooth speed control, and has excellent starting and braking performance. When the control system is designed, the motor can quickly transition and stabilize the operation in four quadrants. In a number of high-performance requirements of the field of power transmission has been widely used. At present, although the exchange of speed control technology is also very fast, and gradually replace the DC speed control system trends. However, from the theoretical and practical point of view, the DC speed control system started early, still relatively mature, it is the cornerstone of AC speed control system. Therefore, the status of DC speed control system is irreplaceable.

The traditional thyristor-motor (V-M) system has caused a series of problems. It is difficult to achieve the motor reversible operation, and the motor at low speed system power factor is poor, but also easy to produce a large harmonic current in the AC side, causing the voltage distortion of the grid. With the traditional DC voltage will be added directly to the motor armature at both ends. This article describes the dual closed-loop PWM reversible DC speed control system is the first three-phase industrial power supply rectifier DC power supply, and then according to the requirements of the control circuit, through the PWM inverter main circuit to DC power modulation into alternating voltage sequence. The frequency of the voltage sequence is very high, positive and negative polarity phase, and the pulse width is adjustable. And then add the voltage sequence to both ends of the DC motor armature, so as to achieve the perfect four-quadrant motor operation.

This article from the organizational structure is mainly pided into two parts. The first part introduces the basic principle of some modules and calculates the relevant parameters. The second part is based on the first part of the calculated parameters to establish SIMULINK simulation model, and show and analyze the simulation results. The results show that the designed DC speed control system can not only realize the four-quadrant operation of the motor, but also has excellent static and dynamic performance, as well as the anti-interference performance.

Keywords: PWM; double closed loop; rectifier


第一章绪论 三相桥式全控整流电路供电的直流电机调速系统仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204029.html
