
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2024-05-28 21:24来源:95483



Abstract:From the middle of 21st century, as the development of science and technology developing so fast, ultrasonic technology has been applied in human life. This paper is the design of ultrasonic ranging system based on single chip, not only covers the hardware and software design of the system, also need to make practical use can be kind. The whole design of ranging system is composed of hardware and software this design is composed of two parts. The working process of the ultrasonic range finder is: when the power supply, press the button, the microcontroller will give a trigger pulse ultrasonic ranging module 40KHz module, and then use the inverse piezoelectric ultrasonic  generating principle, when the module receives the reflected by the object The ultrasonic signal, the signal receiver frequency by piezoelectric effect and ultrasonic frequency as the feedback to the microcontroller, the microcontroller internal interrupt program, detect the ultrasonic propagation time in the air, then the distance by the time calculation, and the display on the LED. Based on the above theory as the starting point. With superior ultrasound characteristics, research and design a feasible location scheme.

Keywords: Ultrasonic; AT89S52 MCU;distance  measurement


第一章 绪论 1

1.1超声波发展史 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3主要研究内容 2

第二章 单片机概述 4

2.1AT89S52主要性能 4

2.2AT89S52外部结构 4

2.3AT89S52特性 6

第三章 超声波测距 8

3.1超声波测距原理 8

3.2超声波传感器介绍 9

3.3超声波传感器的性能特点 10

第四章系统硬件电路设计 12

4.1主电路设计 12

4.2单片机电路 13

4.3复位电路 13

4.4晶振电路 14

4.5LED数码管显示电路 15

4.6超声波发射与接收电路 17

4.6.1HC-SR04超声波传感器 18

4.6.2超声波时序图 19

4.7按键设置电路 AT89S52单片机超声波测距系统设计+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204031.html
