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时间:2022-08-21 14:46来源:毕业论文

摘要在智能化技术迅猛发展的今天,人们越来越追求生活的快捷、舒适和安全,传统 机械式门禁弊病逐渐显现,人们迫切需要一种更加便捷、可靠、智能化的门禁系统。 智能门禁系统实现数据交换的关键在于短距离无线传输技术,蓝牙 4。0 技术融合了传 统蓝牙技术、高速技术和低耗能技术,十分符合智能门禁系统对通信技术的要求;除 此之外,基于 Android 平台开发的 APP 可以方便地实现对门锁的控制。83360

本文基于蓝牙 4。0 技术设计并实现智能门禁系统,给出可行的软硬件技术方案和 系统集成测试结果。系统可分为门禁控制端和移动设备客户端两部分,分别有不同的 硬件基础和软件架构。门禁控制端基于支持 BLE(低功耗蓝牙协议)的 SoC 开发,根 据系统需求自行设计和焊接电路板。控制端主要由核心处理器子模块、电源子模块、 驱动子模块和其他一些外设子模块构成,完成与客户端连接、通信、校验、开锁、监 测、警报等功能。客户端软件基于 Android 平台开发,完成蓝牙设备的搜寻、配对、 连接、数据收发等。同时,在蓝牙 AES-128 加密技术的基础上,系统使用了 TEA 算法 进行数据二次加密,保证了系统具有较高安全性。

经集成测试证明,系统能较好的完成预期智能化开关及安全警报功能,在理论研 究和实践应用方面具有很大的意义。

毕业论文关键词:蓝牙 4。0 技术;Android;智能门禁;MEGS

Abstract Nowadays, with the rapid development of intelligent technology, more and more people are in pursue of living a convenient, comfortable and safety life。 The maladies of the Traditional Mechanical Access Control gradually appear, so there is an urgent need to have a more convenient, reliable, and Intelligent Access Control system。 As for the achievement of data exchange of the Intelligent Access Control system, the key lies in the short distance wireless transmission technology。 Bluetooth 4。0, a technology, which combines the tradition Bluetooth technology, High Speed technology and Low Energy technology together, perfectly fit the requirements of the Intelligent Access Control system of communication technology。 In addition, we can easily control the locks by  using Android APP。

Access control system can be pided into client and mobile device clients。 These two sections will have different hardware and software based foundation。 Access control terminal is based on chips which support BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy protocol),its own design and welding circuit board according to the system requirements。 Control terminal is mainly composed of core sub-module, power sub-module, drive sub-module and some other peripheral sub-modules,which achieved the functions of communication, calibration, unlock, surveillance, alarm and so on。 Client software is based on  the  Android platform,and it can complete the search for Bluetooth devices, pairing, connecting, sending and receiving data。 Meanwhile, on the basis of Bluetooth AES-128 encryption technology, the system uses the TEA algorithm to encrypt data to ensure that the system has high security。

After integration testing proved that the system can be  better anticipated  completion of the intelligent switches and security alarm function, and it has great significance in theoretical research and practical applications。

Keywords: Bluetooth 4。0 Technology; Android; Intelligent Access;

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 研究现状 1

1。3 研究内容 1

1。4 本文章节概述 基于蓝牙4.0技术多功能门禁系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_98243.html
