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时间:2024-08-06 21:47来源:96258



Abstract:With  the  development  of science  and technology,   contact  and  non-contact  IC card in a large number of appear in our lives. They are easy to use, easy to carry, the security of information  is  also  the  traditional  magnetic   card can not match.  This   time  I study the object is SLE4442 card, it is a contact logic encryption memory card, and now a very wide range  of applications.   This  topic  is  mainly  to design  and implementation  of a STC51

single-chip  contact 4442 card reader system.  The  system is  composed of  STC51

single-chip, 4442 card reader module, serial port receiving and sending  module,  MFC read and write interface module. This article first on the SLE4442 card to do a comprehensive introduction,  introduced   its  characteristics,  the  principle   of structure,  mode of  operation and so on. The hardware design of the system includes 51 single-chip connection, reader module  circuit,   LED  status  display  circuit   and RS232 communication  circuit.  The

software part is mainly used keil as 51 single-chip development tools, using C language to achieve the function. In the PC with VS2015 as a development tool, C ++ programming language design to achieve MFC interface, MFC interface and single-chip serial communication. The final through the PC on the MFC interface  to 4442 card data to read and write.

Keywords: SLE4442 card, STC51 single-chip,   Serial  communication,  MFC


第一章绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景 1

1.2IC卡发展现状 2

1.3MFC技术发展现状 3

1.4单片机技术发展现状 3

1.5本文主要内容 4

第二章系统方案设计 5

2.1系统组成结构 5

2.2系统需求分析 5

2.3系统硬件组成 6

2.3.1STC51概述 6

2.3.2SLE4442概述 8

2.3.3RS232概述 11

2.4系统开发环境概述 13

第三章硬件设计 14

3.1总体设计思路 14

3.2电源模块 STC51单片机接触式4442卡读写系统的设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204463.html
