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时间:2024-06-25 21:09来源:95573
水下无人潜航器UUV控制系统设计。水下无人潜航器主要的参数如高度,深度,位置坐标,速度等均来自底 层运动控制。闭环控制可以确定水下无人潜航器的位置信息。而水下无人潜航器

摘要 :水下无人潜航器是目前国内外研究的热点,对于海洋的探测具有重大的意义。控 制系统是水下无人潜航器的核心,也是研究的重点和难点。全文分成以下几个部分介 绍: 

第一部分首先介绍了无人潜航器的研究现状、意义、发展历程、无人潜航器控制 系统的主要结构以及本文做的主要工作。 

第二部分研究了无人潜航器的外形和硬件结构。利用流体动力学相关理论知识, 并综合考虑水下机器人相关部件,对水下机器人外形、重量、大小等方面影响,对自 主水下机器人的外形等硬件结构进行优化设计,最大限度地降低水下机器人在水中运 动过程所承受阻力,降低动力功耗,进而节省发动机能源,可以增加工作时间。 

第三部分水下无人潜航器主要的参数如高度,深度,位置坐标,速度等均来自底 层运动控制。闭环控制可以确定水下无人潜航器的位置信息。而水下无人潜航器有一 个特点是非线性,较难获取到较为精确的数学模型,所以选用模糊控制与PID控制相 结合方式,研发出模糊自适应PID控制器。 

仿真实验显示,模糊自适应PID控制器不但有着较高精确度,而且控制器反应快 速、兼容性好,可以保证被控对象具备良好的动、静态特点。
关键词:水下无人潜航器 ;控制系统;模糊控制;PID 控制 

ABSTRACT:Underwater Unmanned Vehicle is the hot spot of domestic and foreign research, for the detection of the sea is of great significance. The control system is the core of the underwater unmanned submarine, and it is also the focus and difficulty of the research.

The full text is pided into the following sections:The first part introduces the research status, significance and development course of unmanned submarine, the main structure of unmanned submarine control system and the main work of this paper.

The second part describes the appearance and hardware structure of the unmanned submersible. Based on the theory of hydrodynamics, the hardware structure of the underwater robot is optimized by considering the influence of underwater robot, such as the shape, weight and size of the underwater robot, and the underwater Robots in the water movement process to withstand the resistance, reduce power consumption, thereby saving engine energy, can increase the working hours.

The third part of the underwater unmanned submarine main parameters such as height, depth, position coordinates, speed, etc. are from the underlying motion control. Closed-loop control can determine the location information of the unmanned submersible. And the underwater unmanned submarine has a characteristic of non-linearity, it is difficult to obtain a more accurate mathematical model, so the combination of fuzzy control and PID control, developed a fuzzy adaptive PID controller.

Simulation results show that the fuzzy adaptive PID controller not only has high accuracy, but also has a fast response and good compatibility, and can ensure that the controlled object has good dynamic and static characteristics.

Keywords: Underwater Unmanned Vehicle; Control system; Fuzzy control; PID control


第一章 绪 论 .. 1

1.1 研究背景 . 1 

1.2 研究现状及发展趋势  1 

1.3 水下无人潜航器控制系统的组成与结构 .. 3 

1.4 本章小结 . 4 

第二章 水下无人潜航器总体设计  5 2.1 引言 .. 5 

2.2 UUV 壳体及其结构设计 .. 5 

2.2.1 壳体强度 .. 6 

2.2.2 壳体稳定性  6 

2.3 总体布局和结构形式选择  6 

2.4 结构平衡准则 . 7 

2.5 密封耐压设计 . 8  水下无人潜航器UUV控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204182.html
