
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2024-06-11 22:49来源:95556




Abstract:Ships docked or temporarily parked,will be affected by the inertia, external force and so on.And the balance of these forces must rely on the windlass equipment.At present, most of the ship power drag to relay control.Equipment on many ships need not only long-term work,but also to face the harsh working environment.Programmable logic controller has a strong function, cost-effective, reliable, simple programming methods and so on.So using programmable logic controller has undoubtedly become the mainstream of the development of the ship industry trends.

This paper mainly for the PLC in the three-speed AC anchor on the application.The work flow and working principle of electric windlass are expounded in detail.And change the relay control to PLC control.At the same time this paper briefly summarizes the current development background, the development direction, the superiority and so on the question.Describes in detail the role of the windlass in the ship, the Development Degree of Domestic and Foreign Electric Company in the Application of Wind Turbine Control and The working principle, structure, work flow and so on.The main circuit diagram, control circuit diagram and component list also illustrated to illustrate.Briefly outlined the familiarity of PLC process and problem solving.

Keywords:windlass,PLC,Control system,Relay

第一章绪论 5

1.1船舶锚机控制的国内外发展趋势 5

1.2传统锚机控制系统存在的不足及改进 5

1.3本课题的研究内容及意义 6

1.3.1本课题研究的意义 6

1.3.2本课题的基本内容 7

第二章PLC概述 8

2.1PLC的结构组成及分类 8

2.2PLC的工作原理 8

2.2.1PLC循环扫描的工作过程 9

2.2.2PLC用户程序工作过程 10

2.3S7-200系统配置及接口模块 10

2.3.1控制系统基本构成 11

2.3.2输入/输出接口模块 11

2.4人机界面及其通讯 12

2.4.1威纶通触摸屏简介 12

2.4.2与PLC通讯方式 13

第三章船舶锚机及其控制系统设计 15

3.1锚机概述 PLC船舶甲板锚机电气控制系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204154.html
