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时间:2024-10-06 21:13来源:97742



Design  of stress testing  system for high  speed  heavy   haul freight car bogies

Abstract:As one of the key components of high-speed EMUs, the bogie is responsible for supporting the functions of the vehicle body, operation, and steering. It must always maintain a good performance state to ensure the safe and reliable operation of railway trains. With the rapid development of China's high-speed railway, its stress design requirements are getting higher and higher. This paper studies the stress testing technology of train bogies and sets 14 test points on the bogie frame. At the same time, this paper selects the fiber grating sensor as the stress metrical method. The system hardware includes GS-TM-GD-I fiber grating pressure sensor, JEME-iFBG- N015 fiber grating demodulator, computer and router equivalent to establish the bogie stress acquisition system, and the use of JSP technology to develop a web page, user-friendly view.

Key     Words:Bogie;Stresstest;Gratingfibersensor;Datacollection


1绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3课题研究内容和技术路线 3

1.4章节安排 4

2构架静强度 5

2.1构架基本参数 5

2.2UIC静强度加载标准 6

2.2.1静强度载荷工况下的计算载荷 7

2.2.2构架静强度计算载荷工况 7

2.2.3静强度评定标准 8

2.3构架静强度计算 9

2.3.1载荷工况的计算 9

2.3.2静强度分析结果 9

2.4转向架三个主要力 10

2.5转向架构架测点的选择 12

2.5.1构架动应力测点布置 12

2.5.2构架疲劳关键位里的确定 12

2.5.3构架动应力测点布置方案 13

2.6本章小结 14

3光纤光栅应力传感器的原理 15

3.1光纤光栅的相关原理 15

3.2光纤光栅的种类 15

3.3光纤光栅传感的技术特点 17

3.4本章小结 18

4应力测试系统设计 19

4.1数据采集系统的建立 19

4.2远程测试系统的建立 高速重载货车转向架应力测试系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204781.html
