关键词 OpenCV 车牌定位 字符分割 字符识别
Title Software Design of Intelligent License Plate Recognition
With the development of the Intelligent Transportation System, the License Plate
Recognition (LPR) technology has become one of the hottest issues in the modern
transportation domain. This paper aims to design the software of LPR system that bases on VS2012 combining with OpenCV and MFC.
On the base of the image preprocessing technology,contour detection and bounding rectangle is employed to realize the rough location.Then,according to the ratio of width to height and the angle of license plate,preliminary screening can be conducted.For the screening completeness,SVM model can be used to conduct further judgments.In the segmentation of characters,the method based on connected domain is adopted. The segmentation of Chinese characters is realized by using inverse push method because of Chinese characters’ incomplete connected situation.In the part of character recognition, I select the character of the horizontal and vertical cumulative histogram as a feature.Then the Extracted feature’s vector is put into the BP neural network model to conduct character recognition.
Through the test of 1000 pictures,it shows that the overall recognition rate can reach more than 90%.
Keywords OpenCV License Plate Recognition Character Segmentation Character Recognition
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 车牌识别技术的应用背景及发展前景 1
1.2 OpenCV开源机器视觉库 1
1.3 本文的主要工作 2
2 系统总体结构设计 3
2.1 车牌识别系统的组成 3
2.2 车牌识别系统的实现步骤 3
3 车牌定位 5
3.1 车牌粗定位的总体流程 5
3.2 车牌粗定位 5
3.3 机器学习 22
3.3 本章小结 28
4 字符分割和字符识别 30
4.1 字符分割 30
4.2 字符识别 34
4.3 本章小结 39
5 车牌识别系统的用户界面设计 39
5.1 在MFC中使用OpenCV实现界面设计 40
5.2 本章小结 42
结论 43
致谢 45
参考文献 46
1 绪论
1.1 车牌识别技术的应用背景及前景
车牌就像车辆的身份证号码,在智能交通中发挥着重要的作用。通过车辆牌照可以检索出车辆的许多信息, 从而实行违章处罚、流量管理、收费站收费等工作。先进的数字图像处理技术,不仅可以将人力从人工观察记录中解放出来,而且可以大大提高精确度,车牌识别系统就是在此背景和目的下产生的。车牌识别是集计算机视觉、数字图像处理以及模式识别等为一体的技术,对获取的车牌图像进行分析和处理,从而得到车牌并且完成识别过程。车牌识别技术在公共安全管理、智能交通系统、及军事部门都有重要的实用价值。因此,对车牌识别技术的研究有着巨大的经济价值和现实意义。然而,国内车牌识别系统的技术还没有完全成熟,一些高识别率的车牌识别系统都是集成了高清摄像机,如果分辨率下降,那么识别率就会差强人意了。当车牌识别系统的识别率能够达到人的肉眼的精度时,车牌识别技术才能算真正成熟,所以车牌识别技术的研究和发展还存在着巨大的潜力[1]。 OpenCV智能车牌识别系统软件设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_20651.html