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时间:2017-01-16 09:59来源:毕业论文

关键词: 温度;监视;VB;数据库
The design of temperature monitoring software
Abstract:Temperature is a fundamental physical quantity used to represent the system cold and hot. It has a great influence on people's life and production. In life, weather forecast reporting relies on temperature measurement; in production, temperature is one of the main monitoring parameters, especially in the metallurgical industry, chemical industry and other industries, has a pivotal role. With the development of modern science and technology, the computer has been increasingly used in the monitoring of the temperature. In this paper an information management system of temperature is established for temperature which collected from single chip microcomputer by VB. This system realizes the real-time communication between single chip microcomputer and computer, and has the functions of temperature uploading, saving the temperature in the Access database. Through the connection of VB and database, the system has many functions such as temperature information display, query, trend chart, and other functions.Keywords:Temperature;Monitoring;VB;Database
1    绪论    1
1.1    温度监控的发展历史及意义    1
1.2    课题研究内容及系统基本要求    1
2    温度控制监视软件总体方案设计    2
2.1    总体方案设计    2
2.2    所用软件和主要硬件    3
3    VB与下位机通信的建立    4
3.1    串行通信及RS232总线    4
3.1.1    串行通信    4
3.1.2    RS232总线    5
3.2    VISUAL BASIC6.0中的串行通信控件MSCOMM    6
3.2.1    MSComm控件处理通信的方式    6
3.2.2    MSComm控件的常用属性    7
3.2.3    MSComm控件的使用    8
3.3    上位机与下位机的通信    8
3.3.1    通信协议    9
3.3.2    串口调试    9
4    温度控制监视软件    11
4.1    温度控制监视软件功能    11
4.2    数据库的设计    12
4.2.1    Access数据库的设计    12
4.2.2    VB操作Access数据库的方法    13
4.3    应用程序的设计    14
4.3.1    用户登陆模块设计    14
4.3.2    系统功能模块设计    15
4.3.3    主界面的设计    18
4.3.4    显示模块以及数据库显示模块的设计    20
4.3.5    查询模块的设计    21
4.3.6    通信及趋势图模块的设计    22 AT89S52单片机温度控制监视软件的设计+VB源代码:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_2281.html