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时间:2018-11-09 16:47来源:毕业论文

关键词  倒立摆;MATLAB仿真;PID控制
Title    Design of digital controller for an inverted pendulum based on MATLAB
As a typical high-order unstable system , inverted pendulum has the characteristics of multi-variable, non-linear, strong coupling and fast motion. It is a very effective means to test a variety of new control theory and control methods. Hence, it has been attracting many scholars’ attention and intensive study in recent years.
The main content of this design is designing a digital controller which can meet the expected requirements, according to the given parameters of the inverted pendulum model. Firstly, this article describes the development and research status of inverted pendulum. On the basis of the inverted pendulum’s structures stress analysis, the Newton-Euler principle is used to deduce a mathematical model of the inverted pendulum. Secondly, according to the pendulum’s characteristic, such as complex, unstable and nonlinear, I decided to use PID control technique for the controller design. At last, the given parameters are put into the established mathematical models and Simulink is utilized to create a system model and simulation. Through the analysis of simulative results, it verifies that the controller can effectively control the inverted pendulum and the displacement of the car can be reached a stable equilibrium.
Keywords  inverted pendulum; MATLAB Simulink; PID control
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  倒立摆的发展历史及现状    1
1.2  倒立摆的主要控制方法    1
2  一级倒立摆数学模型的建立    4
2.1  倒立摆的结构    4
2.2  倒立摆模型的建立    4
2.3  一级倒立摆的实际模型    7
2.4  本章小结    8
3  PID控制器介绍    9
3.1  PID控制概述    9
3.2  PID参数整定    10
3.3  本章小结    11
4  倒立摆系统PID控制器设计及仿真    12
4.1  MATLAB软件介绍    12
4.2  倒立摆的双回路PID控制器的设计    12
4.3  倒立摆双回路PID控制器MATLAB仿真及分析    17
4.4  外扰下系统控制系统的有效性    24
4.5 本章小结    28
结 论    29
致 谢    30
参考文献    31
1  绪论
1.1  倒立摆的发展历史及现状
   在控制理论的发展过程中,控制理论是否正确和它能否应用于实际中,需要一个装置来验证。倒立摆系统就就能够验证这些理论在实际中是否可行。倒立摆的典型性在于:它是一个成本低廉、结构简单的实验装置,并且它便于模拟、形象直观;作为被控对象,它具有不稳定、多变量、非线性、高阶次和强耦合的特性,可能够通过它反映出控制中的许多不同的问题;作为检测模型,该系统在航空军事等领域有很大应用,因为它与机器人,飞行器等装置的相似性很大。所以对倒立摆进行研究具有重要的工程背景以及实际应用价值 。 基于MATLAB的一级倒立摆数字控制器设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_25558.html