    关键词  电压采集、DSP、CCS
    Title    The design of multi-channel voltage detection    system hardware based on TMS320LF2407A           
    At the same time of the rapid development of power system in recent years, the attention of people for the power supply is more and more. How to realize the power supply more safely is the pursuit of all power supply staff. An important parameter in the power supply security is the power quality. This paper mainly describe a voltage acquisition hardware circuit design based on DSP.
    This paper mainly include two parts, one part is the hardware design of the system, the other part is the software part of the system. The hardware design mainly designs the DSP minimum system, communicating module, and sampling module. Communication method using asynchronous communication. Transceiver uses the MAX3485. The sampling is the use of AD7865 sampling. Mainly introduces the development method based on CCS, the main content of the software part is the sampling procedure. Apart from this, there are also some introduction of relative subroutine, used to implement the initialization of the system to work with the sampling.
    Keywords  Voltage acquisition, DSP, CCS
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景与意义    1
    1.2  TMS320LF2407A简介    1
    1.3  本文主要研究内容    2
    1.4  论文内容安排    2
    2  AD采样系统硬件设计    3
    2.1  硬件总体结构设计    3
    2.2  核心控制模块    3
    2.2.1  DSP最小系统    3
    2.2.2  电源指示信号灯电路    7
    2.2.3  线路总线电平转换    8
    2.3  通信模块    9
    2.4  A/D采样模块    10
    2.5  A/D采样系统的PCB设计    13
    2.5.1  PCB制作基本流程    13
    2.5.2  最终完成PCB图样    13
    2.6  系统硬件实物图    14
    2.7  本章小结    15
    3  软件设计与实现    16
    3.1  程序工程文件结构    16
    3.2  程序功能分析    16
    3.3  具体各部分程序    16
    3.3.1  系统初始化程序    16
    3.3.2  定时器设置    19
    3.3.3  I/O口设置    21
    3.3.4  串行通信设置    22
    3.3.5  采样程序设计    23
    3.3.6  中断服务程序    25
    3.4 本章小结    26
    4  总结与展望    27
    4.1  总结    27
    4.2  展望    27
    致谢    28
    参考文献    29
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