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时间:2019-05-19 21:23来源:毕业论文

Design of high efficiency speed adjustable permanent magnet synchronous motor
Abstract: Speed permanent magnet synchronous motor  started by the frequency converter, can save the startup winding; Than the three-phase asynchronous motor efficiency and power factor, volume, structure performance more superior; And have better servo performance of speed adjustment, and therefore have more broad prospects for development. This paper first analyzes the control and operation principle of permanent magnet synchronous motor, including the classification of the permanent magnet synchronous motor, the rotor structure, etc. Then in accordance with the requirements of project design, introduces the design characteristics and speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor train of thought, including the selection of rotor magnetic circuit structure, the permanent magnet material selection and the choice of main dimensions, and sums up the design process of permanent magnet synchronous motor.
Keywords: permanent magnet synchronous; electromagnetic design; Ansoft Maxwell
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 课题的目的与意义    1
1.2 国内外研究历史与概况    1
1.3 设计中所要解决的主要问题    2
第2章 永磁同步电动机的结构    3
2.1 永磁同歩电动机的总体结构    3
2.2 永磁同步电动机转子磁路结构    3
2.2.1 表面式转子磁路结构    3
2.2.2 内置式转子磁路结构    4
2.2.3 爪极式转子磁路结构    4
第3章 Ansoft Maxwell软件介绍    5
3.1 Maxwell软件介绍    5
3.2 Maxwell界面介绍    5
3.3 Asoft旋转电机分析介绍    6
第4章 调速永磁同步电机的永磁材料与尺寸选择    7
4.1 铁磁材料的分类    7
4.2永磁材料的生产工艺    7
4.2.1典型工艺过程    7
4.2.2永磁材料的定向技术    7
4.3永磁材料的充磁    8
4.3.1饱和磁化强度    8
4.3.2充磁方法    9
4.4永磁材料的选择和应用注意事项    9
4.4.1永磁材料的选择    9
4.4.2应用注意事项    10
4.4.3钕铁硼永磁材料    10
4.5电机的主要尺寸比及主要尺寸的确定    10
4.5.1电机的主要尺寸比    10
4.5.2主要尺寸的确定    11
第5章 调速永磁同步电动机电磁设计    13
5.1额定数据和技术要求    13
5.2主要尺寸    13
5.3永磁体的计算    14
5.4定子冲片的计算    15
5.5绕组计算    17
5.6磁路计算    19
5.7参数计算    21
5.8工作性能计算    25
5.9 Ansoft软件模拟矫算    29
5.9.1软件的参数设定    29 132kW/3000rpm/6p高效调速永磁同步电动机设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_33621.html