Freight car wheel structure finite element analysis and simulation research
Abstract:Truck freight car wheel as an important component, is very important. In order to adapt to the rapid development of Chinese railways, increase the speed of freight cars and train safety, improve the vehicle's braking ability is a research priority. However, the wheel wear, heat cracking has been braking the wheels as the main form, therefore, the study of hot wheels problem directly affects the safety of trains.
On the basis of the theory of finite element thermal analysis, using modeling software UG wheel model is established through large-scale finite element analysis software ANSYS finite element simulation model of three dimensional wheel, here follow the principles of thermal energy conversion using orthogonal design method of mathematical statistics model. Mathematical model for calculating the orthogonal experiment under emergency braking.
KeyWords:train wheelset; finite element anaiysis method; thermodynamics.
1绪论 1
1.1 选题的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 2
1.3 发展趋势 3
1.4 本论文的主要工作 3
2结构性能分析及相关理论 4
2.1 有限元分析的基本理论 4
2.2 热分析的相关理论与方法 5
2.2.1热力学分析的基本概念 5
2.2.2 ANSYS热分析的变化 5
2.2.3瞬态温度场的分析 6
2.3本章小结 6
3 制动工况下热载荷及其疲劳强度评价 7
3.1制动工况下热载荷边界条件的确定 7
3.1.1 热流密度的计算 7
3.1.2 热对流的计算 8
3.1.3 辐射换热的计算 10
3.2 仿真模型的建立及边界条件的加载 11
3.2.1 三文轮对有限元仿真模型的建立 11
3.2.2 非线性问题在仿真中的应用 13
3.3 结构疲劳强度理论 14
3.4 本章小结 15
4 制动工况下轮对温度场及应力场的分析 15
4.1紧急制动工况下正交实验模型的建立 15
4.2 紧急制动工况下正交实验模型的结果分析 17
4.3 紧急制动工况下温度场的结果分析 18
4.4 紧急制动工况下应力场的结果分析 19
4.4 本章小结 21
5总结与展望 21
5.1 研究总结 21
5.2 展望 22
致谢 22
参考文献 23
附录 24
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