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时间:2019-09-08 21:14来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:STC89C52  12864液晶显示屏  红外遥控
 Infrared Household Management System
Abstract: This graduation design realized the function of infrared household management system. The circuit is controlled with STC89C52 single chip microcomputer, the control state is displayed through the LCD12864 and the household electrical appliances are opened and closed using infrared remote control.All of these composed a small household system.In modern communication technology, short distance communication within the limit of human’s eye vision is often used that the scope of the wavelength of 3.0 ~ 20 micron infrared technology as remote control technology.Usually we can see the infrared remote control device of the peripheral circuit is relatively simple, low power consumption, rather small rated voltage , easy to make up and also simple to use.Let all people can easily enjoy the comfortable life with Smart Home, with a infrared remote controller to realize the unified management of the household equipment,that can make wireless household life of people’s dreams become a reality.
Keywords: STC89C52  LCD12864  Infrared remote control
1 绪论    2
1.1课题设计背景及目的    2
1.2红外技术的发展历史    3
2 方案设计    4
2.1系统工作原理    4
2.2系统设计方案论证    5
2.2.1单片机方案    5
2.2.2显示屏方案    5
2.2.3红外接收电路方案    5
2.3系统元器件参数介绍    6
2.3.1单片机介绍    6
2.3.2T73-5继电器    7
2.3.3一体化红外接收头    8
3 硬件设计    9
3.1红外遥控系统设计    9
3.1.1红外遥控器发射原理    9
3.1.2红外遥控器接收原理    11
3.1.3 红外遥控编码原理    11
3.1.4红外遥控解码原理    12
3.2单片机最小系统设计    12
3.3 显示模块设计    13
3.3.1LCD12864基本介绍    14
3.3.2时序图    14
3.3.3LCD12864功能介绍    15
3.4供电模块设计    16
4 软件设计    17
4.1系统流程图    17
4.2LCD12864流程图    18
4.3中断流程图    21
5 系统调试    22
5.1结果分析    22
5.2问题分析    22
5.3设计成品图    23
7 致谢    26
参考文献    27
附录 电路设计图    28
1 绪论
自从人类进入电气时代以来,科技在迅猛的发展,很多新兴科技的出现和发展正顺应了时代的召唤。社会的需求造成了市场空前绝后的膨胀,工业生产的输出量也急剧增长,很多种类的人工智能产品受到人们的热烈追捧,出现了“智能热”的局面。 STC89C52单片机红外家居管理系统设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_38983.html