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时间:2019-11-27 19:18来源:毕业论文



Control System of Mechanical Arm Based on PLC

Abstract:Manipulator is a kind of machine equipment, has many degrees of freedom, can realize the automatic positioning control and re write the program, it can realize the automation of production to replace human labor. Mechanism implementation and control system is the two core of the manipulator, the implementation of the use of hydraulic, pneumatic and motor to achieve, control system more use of PLC. In actual production, the workers will be tested by the special environment and increase the labor intensity and risk. The invention creation and utilization of the robot hand solves these problems. The design of manipulator control system in the process were studied, and also includes control system configuration, manipulator control system monitoring picture is developed by MCGS configuration software design, it clearly and accurately show the real-time working condition of the manipulator, for system maintenance and fault exclusion provides a convenient conditions, can improve the work efficiency.

Key Words: manipulator; PLC; MCGS

目  录

摘要 1

1. 绪论 2

1.1课题研究的目的及意义 2

1.2 研究的主题 2

2. 控制方式与PLC简介 2

2.1 机械手控制方式的选择 2

2.2 PLC的结构 3

3. 机械手的设计 5

3.1 机械手控制系统概述 5

3.2 机械手的运动 8

3.3 PLC程序设计 9

3.4 PLC程序的调试 10

4. MCGS与机械手 11

4.1 MCGS的概述 11

4.2 工程的建立与变量的定义 12

4.3 建立工程画面 17

4.4 动画的连接 20

4.5 组态运行设置 24

5.结 论 25

参考文献 26

附录一 27

附录二 30

附录三 32

致  谢 36 

基于PLC的机械手臂的控制系统 1. 绪论


工业自动化领域常用的控制对象是机械手,机械手活跃在各个行业,尤其是在高温,辐射性强,高压等特殊环境下,它能利用其优点而受到特别关注。总之,机械手已经成为提高劳动生产率的必备工具,减轻工人劳动强度和实现工业自动化方面。PLC是一种控制装置,使用在工业环境中。在计算机,微电子技术和自动化技术的飞速发展和推动之下,使PLC在通信,模拟量控制,硬件等方面有了改善,使PLC成为智能工厂的标准配置。 PLC的机械手臂的控制系统设计+程序+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_42431.html
