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时间:2020-03-08 21:02来源:毕业论文

In the contemporary, electric cars because of fast, convenient, no air pollution, more and more popular in the masses.Battery and charger is the core of the electric bicycle part of the old charger mainly current and voltage limit, constant current stress limit of the charger, the design of the charger is not ideal. But the battery is the biggest obstacle of electric vehicle development, the service life of the battery charging time and is a big problem. In order to make electric charging power supply for longer, more stable performance, pulse charging method can be used to improve. Using AT89C51 is designed as the core, the pulse charging method was adopted to realize the fast charging, thermal resistor as temperature sensor, the temperature detection circuit NE555, to realize the detection of temperature, protect the role of the battery. Can make the charger charging time more efficiently, also can make the battery has the use of more capacity and long service life.
Key words: charger; Single chip microcomputer; battery.
第一章  绪论    1
1.1设计目的    1
1.2设计背景    1
1.3设计意义    1
第二章  控制系统总体方案设计    3
2.1 控制方式    3
2.1.1 单片机的控制方式    3
2.1.2 脉冲调制控制器SG2535的控制方式    3
2.2 总体方案设计    4
第三章  充电原理    5
3.1 蓄电池充电理论基础    5
3.2充电器的工作原理    6
3.2.1预充电    7
3.2.2脉冲快速充电    7
3.2.3补足充电    7
3.2.4浮充电    8
第四章  硬件设计    9
4.1801C51单片机    9
4.1.1主要特性    9
4.1.2引脚功能    9
4.1.3外部中断    10
4.2最小系统    11
4.2.1电源供电模块    12
4.2.2复位电路    13
4.2.3振荡电路    14
4.3充电器主电路设计    14
4.3.1整流电路设计    14
4.3.2半桥逆变电路    16
4.4 控制电路的设计    17
4.4.1温度检测电路    17
4.4.2电压检测电路    19
4.5整体电路设计    19
第五章 系统软件程序设计    21
5.1软件总体设计    21
5.2程序流程图    21
5.3仿真调试结果:    22
5.4波形图    23
结束语    24
致  谢    25
参考文献    26
附录二:程序    28
第一章  绪论
目前我们国家在街道上可以看到很多人在用电动自行车,因为电动车相对于传统自行车比较方便,省时省力,相对燃料类车对大气无污染,所以对于很多普通老百姓,在出去逛街购物时会首选电动自行车,但电池的充电却一直是个问题大多是充电的快速性不能得到满足,不准确的充电方式也会使电池的使用寿命下降。用单片机控制系统,通过对充电电源的检测,让电动机的充电快速性与使用寿命都得到很大的提高。 51单片机的充电电源设计+电路图+源程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_47852.html